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the broad way wbich leads to de–
Anyone who has ever followed a
diet of any kind knows lhal one has
lo Iearn to say "no" lo lhings which
are forbidden in his diet. A spiritual
diel requires as much determination
and st rength of wi ll-if not more. lf
you can learn to say, "No, thank
you," when physical food is con–
cerned, you can also learn to say,
"No, thank you," to lhoughts or acts
which are nol permitted in your spir–
ilual diet.
J ealousy, selfishness and vanity
have the same effect on your mind as
fattening foods have on your body.
T hey produce spiritual obesi t y,
which not only hinders you from go–
ing through the eye of a needle, but
also from entering "the strait gate."
Flattery, gossip and spreading of
rumors- like sugary producls-may
provide you wilh "interesting" con–
versalion, but will beavily add lo
your spirilual avoirdupois. T he next
time you find yourself in these cir–
cumstances, have the courage to say
to yourself- or to those who are
around you- "No, thank you. l'm on
a diet!"
Our Diet Handbook
Humanity today for the most part
rejects t he only Handbook which is
the authority on spiritual die ting:
the Bible.
Why? For one reason, people don't
like to believe that the Bible really
contains all the essential principies in
life- both physical and spiri tual–
which a re so desperately needed to
keep our bodies and minds in good
shape. Whatever your religion or be–
liefs, they cannot alter the truth: The
Bible is the indispensable Handbook
tha t helps us to follow the "narrow
way" which leads to eterna( life.
our guideline, our Manual , our ln–
struction Book which conlains a ll the
necessary ingredients lo mainlain a
good spiritua l si lhouette. One of the
most basic of these is gratitude.
Have you ever considered what
you rea lly have brought inlo this
world? What have you conlributed
lo it? How much have you done for
others? What discoveries have you
made tha t were nol made before
you? The aposlle Paul wrole: "Bul
PLAIN TRUTH February 1979
godliness wilh conlenlment is great
gain. For we broughl nothing into
lhis world, and il is certain we can
carry nothing out. And having food
and raiment Jet us be therewith con–
tent" (1 Tim. 6:6-8) .
Paul's tribulations taught him to
practice wha t he preached. He was
able to honestly write: "Nol that 1
speak in respecl of want: for 1 have
learned, in whatsoever sla te 1 am,
therewith to be content. 1 know both
bow to be abased, and 1 know how to
abound: every where and in a ll things
1 am instructed both lo be full and to
be hungry, both lo abound and to suf–
fer need. 1 can do all things through
Christ which strenglhenelh me"
( Phi l. 4:1 1- 13) .
Gratit ude, indeed, is one of the
most efficient spi ritual calorie-burn-
To overcome spiritual
obesity one must fo llow a
spiritual diet; this is the
only way to have peace
of mind and to
experience spiritual
growt h.
' '
will allow you to lose many un–
necessary spir itual pounds. All God
has created is good; the laws He has
prescribed are good for us. The way
He recommends us to follow is the
only one that leads us toward the
goal for whi ch we have been
When you seriously consider all
these things, you can't help but feel a
deep gratitude
toward your Creator.
Gratitude creates a desire lo share
with others, to help them to come to
this . understanding, to be grateful
whatever their problems.
Another effective calorie-burner
recommended by our Creator in our
spiritual diet is humility. Have you
ever tried to use it- generously?
Neither pride nor vengeance has any
place in humility. Nor does selfish-
ness. T he Bible tells us, " ... in low–
liness of mind let each esteem olher
better lhan lhemselves. Look nol
every man on his own things, but
every man also on lhe things of oth–
ers" (Phil. 2:3-4).
Humilily is not to be confused
wit h weakness ora lack of character.
It takes a lot of courage and strength
of character to be truly Christ ian.
Perseverance requires a tough slrug–
gle against the obslacles and tempta–
tions in life. Bul God helps us to over–
come them. He gives us His Spirit of
love and courage when we repent of
our sins and are baptized.
You can be very strong-yel very
humble. In fact, the humbler you are,
the stronger you. get. "God resisteth
the proud, and g iveth grace to the
humble. Humble yourselves lhere–
fore under the mighty hand of God,
that he may exalt you in due time:
Casting all your care upon bim; for
he carelh for you" ( l Pet. 5:5-7).
Examine your
Why do you acl the way
you do? Whal a re your motives or
reasons? J usl how much space do
pride and selfishness occupy in your
mind? These are the undesirable cal–
ories- the spiritual "junk food"–
that you need to watch in your spiri–
tual diet. They a re "empty calo–
ries" - utterly useless and harmful.
You must eliminate them by the ex–
ercise of humility. "T he fear of lhe
Lord is lhe inslruction of wisdom;
and before honour is humilily' '
(Prov. 15:33) .
Other Great Calorie-Burners
T he Bible speaks of other valuable
calorie-burners: the "fruits of the
Spirit" - joy, peace, patience, gentle–
ness , goodness, meekness, faith and
temperance (Gal. 5:22-23).
T he first and foremosl prevenla–
tive, however- lhe firsl fruit of lhe
Spirit of God- is love: love toward
God and love loward your neighbor.
All tha t you do, say and think
should be founded on love; guided by
it. ls this the case as far as you are
concerned ? Love never seeks to hurt
is not envious. l t does not
lust. Love is not puffed up with pride.
On the contrary, it is full of humility
and regards others more highly than
(Continued on page 33)