and now
Quest f79)
azine began in the mind of the
founder, Herbert W. Armstrong,
who is also chancellor of Ambassa–
dor College and pastor-general of
tbe Worldwide Church of God. His
visionary understanding of the
majestic capacity of the human
mind and the incredible human po–
tential, even in the face of all of hu–
manity's gigantic problems, provides
AICF with its basic overall philoso–
Sorne ten years ago Mr. Arm–
strong began to meet with heads of
state, and governmental, education–
al, and business leaders in many
countries around the world to bring
them his unique message about man
and the human potential-and to dis–
cuss the problems confronting man–
kind everywhere. Today, Mr. Arm–
strong is known in sorne of the high–
est circles of government and educa–
tion throughout Asia, Africa and the
Middle East- and increasingly so in
Europe and Central and South
The AICF ls Born
As he visited with these world lead–
ers, Mr. Armstrong desired to belp in
ways relevant to both his host nation
and his own overall understanding of
the human potential. He would back
projects which would help people
help themselves. ConsequentJy, be–
fore long, joint endeavors were un–
dertaken. Among the first was the
archaeological excavations at the
Temple Mount in J erusalem in coop–
eration with Hebrew University and
the Israel Exploration Society. Other
projects included mobile schools to
educate the mountain people in Thai–
land and joint participation in an–
thropological expeditions conducted
by the King Leopold
The natural outgrowth ofthis fiurry
of international activity was the Am–
bassador International Cultural
Foundation. In March of 1975, this
nonprofit foundation began to official–
ly direct and conduct all of the cultur–
a l, humanitarian, charitable and edu–
cational activities initiated by Mr.
Armstrong in previous years.
The foundation is legally indepen–
dent of both college and church and
is totally nonsectarian in nature. Jt is
firmly and fully committed to em–
phasizing all activities which prop–
erly represent, demonstrate and en–
bance mankind's spiritual potential
in all forms of human activity.
dedicated to serving humanity world–
wide-supporting charitable and hu–
manitarian causes, educational and
cultural projects.
Though the initial projects and
those added later were diverse in
scope, they all focus on the same
point: mutual discovery, _realization
and improvement of
man's incredible hu–
man potential. Th e
foundation's concern is
for people and helping
them find their indi–
vidual and collective
Two fundamental
concepts underlie all
goals and activities of
the foundation: 1) that man is a
unique being, possessing vast mental,
physical and spi ritual potentials–
the development of which should be
aided and encouraged; and 2) that it
is the responsibility of all men to at–
tend to and care for the needs of their
fellowmen. This is a precept pro–
fessed by the vast majority of reli–
gions of the world- appropriately
summed up in three biblical words:
" Love your neighbor."
In keeping with these two basic
AICF supports activities
ranging from benefits for handi–
capped children to major cultural
events; from agricultura! research to
hospitals; from archaeological exca–
vations to parks for children. The
eventual scope of the foundation is
very broad and its horizons are all
but limitless- including its burgeon–
ing support of the numerous per–
forming arts.
Enter Ambassador Audltorlum
About five years ago, at the head–
quarters of Ambassador College in
Pasadena, California, Mr. Arm–
strong was completing his twenty–
year dream of building what is ac–
claimed as one of the finest audito–
riums of its kind in the world. Serv–
ing muhiple functions, the audi–
torium is primarily used by the col–
lege for forums, assemblies and
classes. Secondly, it is employed for
college chape! and worship services
of the Worldwide Church of God.
Finally, it is
a magnificent
concert hall,
the increasing–
ly renowned
center for the
performing arts
presented by
AICF. I n bis
dedicatory re–
marks at the
opening of Am–
bassador Audi-
torium, Mr. Armstrong made a com–
mitment to Pasadena and the greater
Los Angeles community of Southern
California. It was to bring the
musical and cultural talent in the
world to perform in the auditorium.
Already that bold promise has
been fulfilled. One local radio per–
sonality described AICF activities at
Ambassador Auditorium as "setting
the Los Angeles cultural scene on its
collective ear." Its very first concert
series included brilliant perfor–
mances by such notables as Vladimir
Horowitz, Luciano Pavarotti, Joan
Sutherland, Yehudi Menuhin, the
Panovs, Marilyn Horne, Shirley Ver–
rett, the Berlín Philharmonic Octet
and more. Mr. Pavarotti has now ap–
peared three times in the Pasadena
auditorium- each time proving
beyond doubt that he is one of the
greatest tenors of all time. And, of
course, the great Arthur Rubinstein
PLAIN TRUTH February 1979