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Where is the one and only true Church today-the Churchfounded by Jesus Christ in A.D. 31?
Seven major eye-opening proofs identify
ou UVE in a world of reli–
ous confusion. WHY so
any different religions? The
orld has Buddhism, Confu–
cianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Hin–
duism, Islam and Christianity, with
its many denominations and sects.
Religion is generally regarded as
the worship of the Creator or the su–
pernatural-although sorne Oriental
religions are primarily philosophies.
The largest religion in the world,
in asserted number of adherents, is
Roman Catholicism. Its claim of be–
ing the original church of Christiani–
ty has won near universal acceptance
in the Western world.
But where is the absolute AUTHOR–
ITY to identify the
religion, and
the one original Church, of the
Christian religion?
Or, is
authentic? Communism
rejects religion, labeling it "the
opiate of the people."
1 seriously doubt if
been put through the experience that
carne to me in
this question
WHv do most people believe the
Herbert W. Armstrong
things they believe? The philosopher
C. E. Ayers said truthfully that few,
indeed, have ever stopped to ask
themselves in retrospcct
they be–
lieve the things they believe, or HOW
they carne to believe them.
1 have said many times that most
people believe that which they have
repeatedly heard , read, or been
taught, and have carelessly
those things to be true without ques–
tion and without proof.
The Disturbing Dual Challenge
1was born of stable and upright par–
ents, whose Quaker ancestors had
emigrated from England to Pennsyl–
vania with William Penn a hundred
years before the United States be–
carne a nation.
At age 18
dropped all but the
most passive interest in religion. 1
had put myself through an intensive
self-examination, coupled with a sur–
vey of the various occupations and
professions, to determine where I be–
longed-to avoid fitting the prover–
bial square peg in the round hole.
This led me into the advertising pro-
fession and business life. 1 was unu–
sually successful.
had continued
through the years diligent study and
application. 1 had planned that my
business contacts were largely with
"the great and the near great."
Then, at age 34, l was assailed by
very disturbing dual challenges. My
wife, after our nine years of happy
marriage, had begun keeping the sev–
enth-day Sabbath. I was aghast!
That , to me, was religious fanati–
cism! She claimed to have found this
teaching in the Bible.
My first upsetting thought was,
"What will my business contacts and
friends say?" It was a devastating
thought, humiliating!
All the
carne quickly to
my mind. They were of no avail. She
said she found this teaching in the Bi–
ble. " But the Bible says," 1 protested,
"'Thou sha lt observeSunday.'"
"Can you show that to me in the
Bible?" she asked.
"No," 1 replied.
" J
don't know
much about the Bible. My interest
and studies have been in the area of
business. But l know the Bible
PLAIN TRUTH February 1979