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Personal from...
(Continuedfrom page 1)
education, glossed over entirely by
re ligion.
Actually, 1 began to realize that
the biblical revelation, and the mes–
sage Jesus proclaimed, is in fact
such STUPENDOUS knowledge that
what is being disseminated as
higher education is dwarfed into in–
But that monumental message,
which was Christ's gospel- His glo–
rious Gooo news-was soon sup–
pressed. in the very first century!
It is concerned with the Creator's
all-encompassing, overwhelming,
overall purpose, involving not only
man, but the entire vast and limit–
less UNIVERSE, to be
made over
man, when man comes into his pro–
jected GLORY!
This is no imaginary, illusory play
on words- it is REAL!
means that the great majestic
Goo is, literally, reproducing Him–
self in MAN; that mortal MAN has the
transcendent potential of being born
into the very Goo FAMILv asan im–
mortal SPIRIT being in superlative
GLORY and with creative power, un–
der God and under Christ, to liter–
ally make over and renew the face
of planets throughout the vastness
of endless SPACE!
is true that hardly one in a
thousand humans ever realizes,
even partly, his purely human po–
as a human.
T he average
human never utilizes even five per–
cent of his mental powers. On the
purely human leve!, man has the
potential- if an American- of be–
coming President of the United
States. Or of becoming a T homas A.
Edison, oran Einstein.
But that potential is as nothing
compared to the spiritual and tran–
scendent potential ofbeing born into
the very Goo FAMILY-and inheriting
the very capabi lities of Goo!
Actually most of these exciting,
inspiring, mind-expanding TRUTHS
are never even remotely considered
in the religious teachings of this
Sorne time in the spring of 1979,
my new book,
The Incredible
Human Potential,
will appear in
bookstores all over the English-
PLAIN TRUTH January 1979
speaking world. lt's a story too com–
prehensive to even begin to con–
dense in this "Personal" in
Plain Truth.
Actually 1 feel with deep con–
viction that 1 myself really did not
author this book- that the living
Jesus Christ is its real author. I was
is true tha t hard ly one
in a thousand humans
ever realizes, even partly,
his pure ly human
potential as a human. The
average human never
uti lizes five percent of his
mental powers.
merely like a stenographer writing it
down. And with that understanding,
1 feel 1 may say that this is the most
important-the most tremendously
revealing-book since the Bible! Al–
though it will be sold in bookstores,
interested readers may reserve a
copy now, by mail.
Meanwhile, l might announce
now that by next spring also will
appear in bookstores everywhere
another new book,
Seven Proofs of
the True Church.
This, too, will be a
surprising, eye-opening work. Can
you believe that of all the religions
in the world. including Buddhism,
Confucianism, Taoism. Shintoism,
H induism, the Moslem and the
Christian religions,
not one
(save the
one original true Church of God,
pictured in the twelfth chapter of
Revelation as persecuted, small,
hated by Satan) knows WHO and
WHAT God is? Could you believe
that only this one true Church
knows WHAT and WHY man is; why
humanity was put on the earth;
where we are going; and what is the
way? Or that only this
the real purpose and meaning of
Old Testament Israei-WHY God
called them. even though He gave
spi ritual salvation
to their
prophets? Further, do you realize
that no other church or religion
knows WHAT was the gospel Jesus
proclaimed and taught-a gospel
suppressed near the middle of the
first century, and not proclaimed
the world until our present genera–
tion? This book will prove astound–
the reader.
Other books to be found in the
bookstores beginning next spring
authored by Herbert W. Armstrong
The United States and Britain in
Prophecy . Tomorrow- What lt Wi/1
Be Like,
and a new, updated and
enlarged book,
The Seven Laws of
And still others, God willing, 1
hope shall be published by our own
Everest House, and be available
also in bookstores by the fall of
lf God will give me the strength
and time, 1 hope to complete
Half of this was
published in one 540-page volume
in 1957, with other editions in 1958,
1959, and 1975. 1 hope to have the
entire two volumes complete, avail–
able in bookstores everywhere, by
Why does humanity suffer in a
world full of violence and hate?
Are we bringing lt all on our–
selves, or are outslde influences
shaplng our destiny? For the an–
swer to these and other ques–
tions affecting our very survival,
send for your free copy of the
Did God
Create a
(See the inside front cover for
the address of our office nearest