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ave you ever heard of a
church called "the Devil's
Congregation"? Have you
ever seen a sign labeling a building
" Satan's Synagogue"? Have you
ever hea rd a radio program called
The Devil 's Endeavor?
Of course not! The god of this
present evil world who holds sway
over the darkened minds of poor
deceived mankind is not so ignoran!
as to labe l his churches with their
true names.
But does the devil have a reli–
gion? Does he have churches? And
if he does not call them by his name,
how can you te ll where they are?
What would the doctrines of 1hese
churches be- wha1 does 1he devil
believe- or a t least whal does he 1ry
10 palm off on o1hers for them to
Does the Bible have anylhing lo
say about the devil's religion?
What the Blble Says
T he only real source of tru1h to
which we can go lO find the answers
to these ques1ions is God's own
Word (John 17:17). Many people
today considcr bclief in a devil as
ignorant and mythological. They
consider Satan to be a mere concept
held by primitive people to explain
away th e presence of evil in 1he
Bul 1hen 1hese same people also
believe God is a mere concepl- a
mylh 10 explain away the presence
of the creation and good. If you
would like to understand more fully,
and prove to yourself beyond any
shadow of doubl 1hat there is both a
rea l God a nd a real devil, then write
immediately for the booklets
God Exist?
a nd
Did God Create a
Bo th a re completely free of
cha rge or obligation, and we will be
glad lo send them to you.
Surprisingly enough, there is a
David Jon Hill
great deal of information con–
cerning Satan the devil, his religion,
his way of thinking, his way of
doing- and also the sure prophecy
of God of what will become of his
efforts. And there is mo re informa–
tion concerning this very real devil
in the last book of the Bible th a n
there is in the first.
Jesus Describes True Church
J ust befare Jesus Christ was cruci–
fied, He said, referring lo Salan lhe
devil: " Hereafter l will not talk
much with you: for the
prince of this
cometh, and hath nolhing in
me" (John
Jesus wenl on to
explain to His disciples thal if the
world persecuted Him (which it cer–
tainly had), it would persecute them
also (John
He explained
to His disciples tha t they and all
those after them would be rejected
by the churches of this world: "Yea,
the time cometh, that whosoever
killeth you will think tha t he doeth
God service" (John
Jesus explained lo His followers
that they would be a little flock, dis–
paraged and despised by the major–
ity of the peoples of the world,
downtrodden and persecuted right
up until the time of His relurn as
King of kings and Lo rd of lo rds. But
He also encouraged them by le tting
them know thal lhey were not lo
fear this persecution because il was
God's will to give these persecuted
few H is Kingdom. "Fear nol , little
ftock; fo r it is your Father's good
pleasure to give you the kingdom"
Christ Gave Prophetlc Warning
About False Churches
When His disciples asked Him con–
cerning fulure events and what
would happen between 1heir time
and 1he coming of 1he end of the
world , Jesus' first and continucd
warning was about individuals who
would come claiming lo be His rep–
resentatives, using H is name, bu1
deceiving the world and actually
being the servants of Satan the
devil. "And Jesus answered and said
unto them, T ake heed that no man
d eceive you. For
many sha/1 come
[using lhe name of Chri sl,
calling themselves Christian), saying
a m Christ; and
sha/1 deceive many"
And again He re–
pealed His warning concerning false
prophe1s saying, "And many false
prophels shall rise, a nd shall deccive
many" (Malt.
24: J I).
Jesus Christ continued His warn–
ing. s howing that because of this
grcat false religious syslem which
would claim His name but really
belong lo Salan the devil; lhat be–
cause of this deception the whole
world will be thrown inlo such chao–
tic confusion and war thal "except
those days s hould be shortened,
therc should no flesh be saved"
Jesus Christ predicted
what all of us in today's world fear:
cosmocide, the suicide of lhe entire
human race!
Not salisfied wi1h having pointed
o ut two times lhat the cause of lhis
chao lic lribulation was lhe great re–
ligious deception, Jesus Christ again
firmly s tated: " For there shall arise
false Christs, and false prophets,
and shall shew
great signs and won–
insomuch that,
it were pos–
they shall deceive the very
Behold, 1 have told you befare.
Wherefore if they shall say unto
you, Behold, he is in the desert ; go
no t forth: behold, he is in the secret
chambers; believe it not" (Matt.
Yes, J esus Christ's warning to His
disciples of all times was that H is
Church- the Church of God- would
always be a little ftock, a despised
congregation, a persecuted church-
The PLAIN TRUTH January 1979