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of by the apostle Peter as "the times
of restitution of all things, which
God hath spoken by the mouth of
all his holy prophets since the world
began" (Acts 3:21). Indeed, God
has described this blessed reign of
Jesus Christ on earth in literally
scores of prophecies throughout the
This was the message of Jesus
Christ! This is the only real way to
find true utopía!
Condltlons Durlng the Mlllennlum
In order to humble them and teach
them God's ways more fully, Christ
will force sorne of the peoples who
have helped spoil His people Israel
to become their servants in the land
of Palestine during the early years
of the millennium. "For the Lord
will have merey on Jacob, and will
yet choose Israel, and set them in
their own land [Palestine]: and the
strangers shall be joined with them,
and they shall cleave to the house of
Jacob. And the people shall take
them, and bring them to their place:
and the house of Israel shall possess
them in the land of the Lord for
servants and handmaids: and they
shall take them captives, whose cap–
tives they were; and they shall rule
over their oppressors" (lsa. 14: l-2).
As the Lord of lords, Christ will
begin to convert and save the entire
world during His reign. To do this
He will have to heal the spiritual
blindness that has come on al!
people of the earth as a result of
Satan's deceptions (Rev. 12:9).
Isaiah says: "And he will destroy
in this mountain the face of the cov–
ering cast over all people, and the
vail that is spread over all nations.
He will swallow up death in vic–
tory ..." (Isa. 25:7-8).
AH peoples will then come to
know God. Their blindness and reli–
gious confusion will be removed
and they will finally be converted.
The resurrected saints will teach
the people God's ways-and they
will be blessed by Godas they obey.
"For the people shall dwell in Zion
at Jerusalem: thou shalt weep no
more: he will be very gracious unto
thee at the voice of thy cry; when he
shall hear it, he will answer thee.
And though the Lord give you the
bread of adversity, and the water of
affiiction, yet shall not thy teachers
be removed into a comer any more,
but thine eyes shall see thy teachers:
And thine ears shall hear a woid
behind thee, saying, This is the way,
walk ye in it, when ye turn to the
right hand, and when ye turn to the
left" (Isa. 30: 19-21).
will be a startling experience
for sorne to have a voice behind
them suddenly boom out and warn
them not to break one of God's
commandments! But the saints of
God-now boro of the Spirit, having
become spirit at the resurrection–
will be able to be invisible or visible
at wi ll.
There wiJI be no "cheating" on
God's law!
Through the restoration of real
contact with Almighty God, mil–
lions of deaf, blind, dumb and
crippled people all over the earth
will be supernaturally healed.
"Then the eyes of the blind shall be
opened, and the ears of the deaf
shaJI be unstopped. Then shall the
Jame man Jeap as an hart, and the
tongue of the dumb sing: for in the
wilderness shall waters break out,
and streams in the desert" (Isa.
Notice that not only the people,
but the land, shall be healed and the
earth shall receive proper rainfall
again with God's blessing. "And the
parched ground shall become a
pool, and the thirsty land springs of
water" (verse 7).
The Way to Blessings
The world could have peace and
happiness now, but it refuses to
have it God's way.
Speaking of all humanity- Jews
and Gentiles alike-the apostle Paul
was inspired to write: "Destruction
and misery are in their ways: And
the way of peace have they not
known" (Rom. 3: 16-17).
The reason the world cannot have
peace is because it refuses to obey
the commandments of God as a way
of life! As we have seen, when
Christ comes to set up His govern–
ment, the law of God shall go forth
from Zion and the word of the Lord
from Jerusalem.
Those who yield themselves most
to obey all of God's commandments
will be best qualified for the
highest positions in God's govern–
ment during the coming millennial
reign of Christ. For He said:
"Whosoever therefore shall break
one of these least commandments,
and shall teach roen so, he shall be
called the least in the kingdom of
heaven: but whosoever sball do and
teach them, the same shall be called
great in the kingdom of beaven"
(Matt. 5: 19).
This is because Christ is going to
have peace in His Kingdom- and so
all lawbreakers are going to be kept
This same principie holds true in
the New Jerusalem, the Holy City
which will come down out ofheaven
to this earth after the millennium.
"Biessed are they that do his com–
mandments, that they may have
right to the tree of life, and may
enter in through the gates into the
city" (Rev. 22: 14).
Yes, we will have real utopía
when we learn to obey God's com–
mandments! Then the world wi ll be
blessed with physical abundance.
The sick and crippled will be
healed. The spiritually blinded mil–
lions will cometo really know God!
The human beings on earth under
God's government during Christ's
millennial reign are pictured as
learning to sing, dance and shout for
joy at the wonderful way of life they
will experience under the perfect
government ofGod!
Under God's government and His
perfect laws, people will learn that
Jesus meant fully what He said: "I
am come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more
abundantly" (John 10: 10).
This is what the happy, joyous
world tomorrow will be like !
Our booklet entitled
Coming-A New
portrays God's fast-apQroaching
new world, where love, peJce. har–
mony and beauty will replacé current
conditions of evil , rebell ion l and in–
justice. In this totally unique age the
government ol God will reign upreme
and man will ultimately realize·his mag–
nilicent destiny. To receive your free
copy simply write to the address ot our
office nearest you.
PLAIN TRUTH Jar uary 1979