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God's government is coming to this earth soon! What will
be like? What is the real future for which
y ou should be preparing?
omething is drastically wrong
with the world today! Our en–
tire society is dissatisfied, un–
happy, discouraged. For many, life
no longer seems bearable. There
seems to be no future.
As a result, there has been a dra–
ma tic increase in suicides and sui–
cide attempts, especially a rnong the
you ng, those in theír teens and early
twenties. Comrnents Dr. Bruce
Danto, presiden! of the American
Association of Suicidology: " Kids
fee l confused and frightened about
the future . l f you go to school, it
doesn't mean you'll get a job. lf you
get a job, it may not be a mean–
ingful one. If you get rnarried, it
may not last."
What's wrong? ls there really no
hope? Is there nothing to live for? ls
life so full of despair that suicide
seems an intelligent alternative?
The re is hope. Our human gov–
e rnments have failed us- that is the
heart of the trouble. But the Bible
speaks of another world- a
coming world- with a different form
of world government which will set
right the ills of today.
will provide
the real solution to the present large
and growing problems of menta l
torment, fear and self-annihilation,
and will show the way to peace and
joy. The Bible also tells of your
place in that world.
The Relnstltutlon of the
Government of God
Jesus proclaimed the soon-coming
Kingdom of God- the rule of God–
and showed how we must prepare
for it. He revealed that it is to be a
world-ruling government set up on
this earth, and that we rnust over-
Roderick C. Meredith
come and learn to obey God now if
we are to be a part of it.
This most tremendous future
event in earth's history was pre–
recorded in Revelation 11 : 15 in
your Bible. Here the last of the
seven trumpets of Revelation is
sounding and voices in heaven are
saying, "The kingdoms of this world
are become the kingdoms of our
Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall
reign for ever and ever."
The living Christ is soon going to
take over the governments of this
war-torn world! The nations of this
earth may initially resist His perfect
government. But He is coming this
second time in a ll the power of God
to enforce peace on this earth : "And
he shall rule them with a rod of
iron" (Rev. 19: 15). He is coming as
supreme Ruler over all other gover–
nors and kings of this earth: " And
he hath on his ves ture and on his
thigh a name written, King of kings,
and Lord of lords" (verse 16).
In a prophecy about Christ writ–
ten hundreds of years before His
human birth, God foretold what His
job would eventually be: " For unto
us a child is born, unto us a son is
given: and the government shall be
upon his shoulder: and his name
shall be called Wonderful , Counsel–
lor, The mighty God, The ever–
lasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government
and peace there shall be no end,
upon the throne of David, and upon
his kingdom, to order it, and to es–
tablish it with judgment and with
justice from henceforth even for
ever" (Isa. 9:6-7).
Notice tha t here Christ is called
the " Prince of peace." That is be-
cause He alone has the power to
really bring peace! God also says:
"Of the increase of his government
and peace there shall be no end."
Under Ch rist as world Ruler-after
the te rrible destruction which pre–
cedes His second coming- people
will again mult iply and replenish
the earth, and the laws and ways of
H is gove r nment wi ll sp read
throughout the world.
Then, as the people gradually
learn to obey the Ten Command–
ments and a ll the laws of God, there
will a lso be an actual increase in
peace, happiness, and joy on this
earth, a ll of which will continue to
grow among nations and individuals
as they learn more and more to
obey God's ways and perfect laws
which are the only way to peace.
Organlzatlon of God's Kingdom
The form and organization of God's
government on this earth is already
prophesied in the Bible!
Christ, of course, will be King
over all. He is to occupy a definite
throne upon this earth when He re–
turns. For before His human birth,
an angel prophesied: "He shall be
great, and shall be called the Son of
the Highest: and the Lord God shall
give unto him the throne of his
father David : And he shall reign
over the house of Jacob for ever;
and of his kingdom there shall be no
end" (Luke 1:32-33).
Christ will rule more directly over
the people of Israel because His
headquarters will be at Jerusalem.
Notice the scripture says specifically
that He wi ll rule over the "house of
Jacob." The house of Israel, or Ja–
cob, was called as God's chosen
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