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Godpromised great wealth and abundance to Abraham's seed-but did they ever inherit
those fantastic blessings? Just where are these "Lost Ten Tribes," anyway? Did they
simply disappear from the face of the earth, or did they go on to become the richest
nations in the world? You would be shocked to know how much the answers to these
vital questions have to do with your future and the future of Western civilization!
Herbert W. Armstrong
fter the death of Jacob and his twelve sons
world. Their government was theocratic, with the civil,
in Egypt , their cbildren grew in about two and a quarter
as weU as the spiritual and religious laws, given directly
centuries to a population probably between two and
from God. God Himself was their King and He ruled
three million in that land.
them by a system of j udges.
But Israel's children became slaves: "And Joseph
died, and all hís brethren, and all that generation. And
lsrael's Flrst Klng Was God
the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abun-
God was Israel's only King! Israel was
church and
dantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty;
state. In Acts 7:38 we are told that the Israelites formed
and the land was filled with them. Now there arose up a
the church in the wildemess. The word "congregation"
new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.... And
of Israel used throughout the Old Testament has the
the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with
same meaning exactly as the word "church" in the New.
rigour: and they made their lives bitter with hard bond-
Israel, consequently, had more than one set of laws. God
age ..." (Ex. 1:6-14).
gave Israel a twofold form of governn:tent. The congre-
Then God raised up Moses and fitted him in a special
gation, or church, was given ritualistic laws- animal sac-
way to lead these children of Israel out of the bondage
ritices, meat and drink otferings, carnal or tleshly
tbat had come to them in Egypt.
When they reached Mt. Sinai, in the península wilder-
But Israel also was a
government, thus for it God
ness, God made a covenant with them establishing them
established civil officers and civil laws-statutes and
as a
nation- among the kingdoms of the
judginents. The one great central code of law, basis for