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Two opposing supernatural powers are fast converging toward the supreme crisis of al! time. It will
drastically affect your life and all humanity! The end ofthis world is imminent. What's prophesied to
happen next?
t's back to prophecy, now! We
need an immediate updating on
events fulfilling biblical proph–
ecy! It's now urgent that we pin–
point where we are in proph–
esied world events, especially in
view of two month-apart papal elec–
tions and a serious new threat from
the Soviet Union. Precisely what do
these events portend for the imme–
diate future?
It all started millennia ago. Now
it is converging rapidly toward the
You are living in this supreme
CRISIS-TIME of all eternity!
severely affect YOUR LIFE- and per–
your eternity!
Origln of the Supernatural Forces
lt all began in eternity-farther back
than your mind can grasp-and it
will lead
a future happy eternity.
Herbert W. Armstrong
Yet we live at the very point of su–
preme CRISIS!
It all began with the existence from
eternity of God and the Word. The
Word was much later to become-less
than two thousand years ago-the
Lord Jesus Christ. But He had always
existed- "without father, without
mother, without descent, having nei–
ther beginning of days, nor end of
life'' (Heb. 7:3). All things were cre–
ated by Him. God created all things
(the UNIVERSE and all therein) by
Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:9).
First to be created were the an–
gels. Angels are spirit beings, com–
posed of spirit, immortal, with life
inherent. Three levels of angels were
created: ordinary angels who do
NOT have wings, seraphs and che–
rubs, both of whom do. Angels are
on a higher plane than man. And
the supreme creation in angel life
were cherubs, of which only three
are mentioned in the Bible.
One of these was the archangel
Lucifer. Long before the creation of
roan, Lucifer had been set by God
on earth's THRONE, to administer the
GOVERNMENT OF Goo over angels
which then inhabited the earth.
This Lucifer was the SUPREME
MASTERPIECE of God 's creative
power-actually next to Goo in su–
perPOWER! But Lucifer turned from
God's government and Jed his an–
gels in REBELLION against God. As
an invading army they swept up to
God's heaven, but were cast back
down to earth. Lucifer's name was
changed to Satan the devil. His an–
gels became demons.
Adam's Rebelllon
Then, in His g reatest Master Plan of
all, God undertook the actual repro-