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Here is the conclusion of the true story of the true Church, founded A .D. 31 by Jesus Christ, the
unique and only voice giving a hopeless world ils only and sure hope-the soon-coming peaceful and
happy world tomorrow!
he real trulh is incredibly
is st ranger
n any fiction.
may be
d lo believe-but it is TRUE!
Let's go back, for the moment, lo
the time of Christ-and even lo the
time of Old Testament prophecies
before His appearing. The prophet
Isaiah foretold the appearance of
Christ; that He would be born as a
baby, grow up, and eventually be–
come the RULER and the SAVIOR of
humanity. Note this amazing proph–
ecy in which Isaiah was recording a
message from God concerning an–
cienl Israel: " For unto us a child is
born, unto usa son is given: and lhe
GOVERNMENT shall be upon his
shoulder ... " (lsa. 9:6). In other
words, Isaiah foretold lhal Jesus
Christ was born lO BECOME
RULER. But continue the proph–
ecy: " ... and his name shall be
called Wonderful , Counsellor, The
mighty God, The everlasting
Fa ther, The Prince of Peace."
So Jesus Christ was to be not only
King and Ruler over GOVERNMENT,
He also was to be Savior or God.
Continue, verse 7: "Of the increase
of bis government and peace there
shall be no end, upon the throne of
David, and upon his kingdom, to
order il , and lo eslablish it with
judgment and wilh justice from
henceforth even for ever. The zeal
of the Lord of hosts will perform
this." (See Luke 1:26-33.)
Messenger of the Covenant
Notice one more key prophecy fore–
telling the coming of Christ.
is in
Malachi 3: 1: "Behold, I will send
my messenger [human], and he sha ll
prepare the way before me [Christ]:
and the Lo rd , whom ye seek
[Christ), shall suddenly come to h is
temple, even the messenger [Christ)
of the covenant, whom ye delight
in: behold, he shall come, saith the
Lord of hosls."
PLAIN TRUTH January 1979