"And Jacob went near unto Isaac bis
father ; and he felt him, and said, The
voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands
are the hands ofEsau" (Genesis 27:22).
because Ma nasseh was the elder. But old Jacob now
mentioned the name of Ephraim first. Here we see su–
pe rna tura l guidance!
Jacob said to Joseph: " Bring them. 1 pray thee. unto
me. and I will bless them. Now the eyes of Israel were
dim for age, so tha t he could not see" (verses 9-10).
The birthright, remember, belongs legally to tbe first–
born, unless altered by divine intervention. The inheritor
of the birthright,
receiving the blessing conferred
upon him. should have had Jacob's
hand resting
upon his head. That is why "Joseph took them both,
in his right hand
toward Israe/'s /eft hand,
in his left hand
toward Israel 's right hand,
brought them nea r unto him" (ve rse 13).
Name Israel Glven to Joseph's Sons
But once again the Eterna! inte rvened in conferring this
momentous birthr ight! Jacob, though blind so he could
no t see the lads befare him,
crossed his hands,
Israel stre tched out his right hand, and laid it upon
Ephraim's head, who was the younger. and his left hand
upon Manasseh's head. guiding his hands wittingly ; for
Manasseh was the fi rstborn. And he blessed Joseph, and
said , God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac
did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto
this day. the Angel which redeemed me from all evil,
bless the Jads; aud
/et my name be named on them.
the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and le t
them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth"
(verses 14-16).
grow into this promised multitude? Let
descendants become that numerous seed. which shall
number into billions? Not Judah. the father of the Jews–
note it!- but EPHRAIM ANO MANASSEH! Why have the
eyes and understanding of church Jeaders and Bible
students been blinded to this pla in fact ofScripture?
Notice. Israel did not confer this blessing on just one.
but on
both- " Biess
the Jads," he said . This blessing went
upon them jointly. " Let my name be na med on them"
was part of this blessing. His name was ISRAEL. Hence. it
was the descendants of
Jads. no t the descendants of
Judah. or the Jews, who were named ISRAEL. How clea r
it is that the name ISRAEL was to be indelibly stamped
A shocking fact-and yet plainly
right before
your eyes! And remember, this scripture needs no "inter–
pretation" or "special meaning" or " hidden symbolism"
for you to understand! Here is the plain. simple state–
ment that Jacob's name. which was changed to
would become the very POSSESSION and
property - the
!abe! on the peoples ofEphra im and Manasseh !
WHo, then , according to your Bible. is the rea l Israel
( racially and nationally) of today?
Ephraim and Manasseh!
Ephraim and Manasseh
received the
the name ISRAEL. It was to become the national name of
their descendants. And their descendants were never
Jews! Fix this fact firmly in your mind!
Thus it is that many of the prophecies about "Israel"
or " Jacob" do not refer to Jews or to any of the nations
that are today the descendants of the other tribes of
Israel. Mark that well! Few. indeed, are the clergymen.
theologians, or professed Bible scholars who know tha t
today. Many
to know it!
Together the descendants of these two lads. Ephraim
and Manasseh, were to grow into the promised multi–
tude- the nation and company of nations. These na–
tional blessings are poured upon them jointly. These are
the collective blessings which the Jads together re–
ceived- but not the other tribes!
Jacob Croases Hands
But a t this juncture, Joseph noticed that Jacob's right
hand was not resting upon the head of the firstborn . He
endeavored to remove it.