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Part One:
This is the true story of rhe true Church, founded A.D. 31 by Jesus Christ, the unique and on!y voice
giving a hopeless world its on!y and sure hope-the soon-coming peacefu! world tomorrow!
he visitar, to put it mildly,
s astonished! He was wit–
ss ing something he had
ver expected to see.
He was professor of comparative
religion at one of the world's great
universi ties, visiting a Canadian fes–
tival site of the world's largest an–
nual church conclave. Thi s,
however, was one of the smaller of a
score of such annual convention
si tes throughout the world. Seven
thousand were here assembled for
the eight-day festival.
At once the visitar was impressed
by an a tmosphere refreshingly
he had visited many
church conventicos in many coun–
tries. Had these people been odd or
fanatical , ít would have been no
new experience. He was well aware
of religious groups who genera ted a
temporary emotional fervor in their
meetings. He was familiar, too, with
those who were stiffly formal-and
But here he was experiencing
something which was, to him,
unique. He was seated next to one
of the ministers of the Worldwide
Church ofGod.
"These members," he volun–
teered, "obviously are solid and
stable people, and they radiate an
inner happiness that is genuine. Life
to them seems to have purpose and
mea ning. lt 's an enjoyable and
healthy attitude 1 can't quite find
words to describe."
" Yes," smiled the minister. "life
have purpose and meaning to
our people. And they do radiate the
inner joy you have observed be–
cause their lives have been changed
by God's Holy Spirit. and because
they are participating in and prayer–
fully backing the spreading of
gospel- the same mes–
sage originally proclaimed by Christ
" For nineteen centuries that mes-
PLAIN TRUTH December 1978