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in encouragement, in tithes and of–
ferings. In theír own lives, they were
to overcome Satan and Satan's
WAYS and thus qualify to help
Christ govem the world in the King–
dom of God-after the 6,000 years
(Rev. 3:21; 2:26-27).
During this 6,000 years God has
called no one to spiritual salvation
except those He called to back up
the apostles getting out the gospel;
they were also called to qualify, by
overcoming Satan, to sit with Christ
on His throne in the Kingdom of
Now let's take a look into the
newspaper headlines of the near fu–
tu re. The NEW world tomorrow is
going tO come INOUR TIME!
And, remember, it won't become
al/ at once.
When the Su–
preme Ruler, Jesus Christ, comes
again to earth already
KING of kings, in all the vast POWER
ANO GLORY of Almighty God, the
Gentile nations actually will resist
Him at first. He is coming to rule by
divine FORCE. How ironic that the
nations will have to be FORCED to be
happy, prosperous, physically fit
and well, living abundantly and joy–
These might be the headlines you
will read in the newspaper of the
"Crime Rate Drops to Zero."
"No Wars During This Year!
Former Soldiers Being Rapidly As–
similated into Food Production and
New Industries."
"Disease Epidemics Disappear.
Millions Have Been Supernaturally
Healed of Sickness and Disease.
Causes of Cancer, Heart Attacks,
Other Fatal Diseases Revealed. Au–
thorities Predict All Such Diseases
to Disappear, by Avoiding Causes,
Within Coming Year!"
"Thousands of Hospi tal Proper–
ties Up for Sale. Sensational
cline in Sickness and Disease
Releases Increasing Hundreds of
Thousands of Doctors, Nurses, At–
tendan ts and Staff Personnel for
Happier and More Useful Occupa–
tions. Knowledge of Causes Re–
duces Sickness and Disease!
Thousands of Affiicted Now Being
Divinely Healed! "
" Rapid l ncrease in Food Produc-
tion. All Records Broke n for
Increased Food Production. Agri–
cultura! Authorities Reveal Aboli–
tion of Artificial and Synthetic
Fertilizers and Return to Nature's
Laws of Soil Enrichment Resulting
Not Only in Bumper Crops, but
Vastly Tmproved Quality and Fla–
Well , how are those. for a starter?
How Utopia Will Come
But now let's be specific! Let's see
tomorrow's utopía is to be
ushered in. Remember, this wonder–
ful world-state will not be achieved
all at once.
Every major step of these soon-
It wi ll be divine
the government of God.
will no t be government
from the bottom up.
The people will
have no votes. It will not
be government
of or by the people, but it
will be government for
the people!
coming events is laid bare before
our eyes in biblical PROPHECY.
The same Jesus Christ who
walked over the hills a nd valleys of
the Holy Land and the streets of
Jerusalem more than 1900 years ago
is coming again! He
He would
come again. After He was cruciJied,
God raised Him from the dead after
three days and three nights (Matt.
12:40; Acts 2:32; 1 Cor. 15:3-4). He .
ascended to the throne of God,
headquarters of the government of
the universe (Acts 1:9- 11; Heb. 1:3;
8: 1; 10: 12; Rev.3:2 1).
He is the "nobleman" of the
parab1e, who went to the throne of
God-the "far country"- to be coro–
nated as KING of kings over aH na-
tions, and then to return to earth
(compare Luke 19:11-27). He is in
heaven until the "times of restitu–
tion of a ll things" (Acts 3: 19-21 ).
"Restitution" means restoring to a
former state or condition- in this
case, restOring Goo's GOVERNMENT
to earth, and thus, restoring wORLD
PEACE and utopian conditions.
Present world turmoi1, escalating
war and contentions, will clímax in
world trouble so great that, unless
God intervenes, no human flesh
saved alive (Matt. 24:22).
At its very clímax, whcn delay
would result in blasting all life from
off this planet, Jesus Christ will RE–
TURN! This time He is coming as
divine Goo! He is coming in all the
POWER and GLORY of the unive rse–
ruling Creator! (Matt. 24:30; 25:31.)
He is coming as KING of kings and
LORD of lords (Rev. 19: 16) to estab–
rule all nations "with a rod of iron"
(Rev. 19: 15; 12:5).
All crime and organized rebellion
will be put down by FORCE- divine
supernatural force. Christ will then
set His hand to reeducate and to
"save" or spiritually convert the
THINK OF IT! The glorified
CHRJST- coming in all the splendor,
the supernatural POWER and the
GLORY of Goo ALMIGHTY; coming
mankind alive; coming to
STOP escalating wars, nuclear mass
destruction, human pain and suffer–
ing ; coming to usher in PEACE,
abundant well-being, happiness and
JOY for all mankind !
Resurrected Salnts
As the resurrected Christ ascended
to heaven in the clouds, so He shall
return to earth in the clouds (Acts
1:9- 11; Matt . 24:30). Just
He is
returning (l Thess. 4: 14-17), the
dead in Christ- those who have
ceived and been led by God's Holy
Spirit (Rom. 8:11, 14), including all
the prophets of old (Luke 13:28)–
will rise in a gigantic RESURRECTION
and be made IMMORTAL. Those then
living who have the Spírit of God
shall be instantaneously
from mortal to immortal
15 :50-54), and, together with those
resurrected, shaU rise to meet the
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1978