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Severa! months ago
used the space in this column to
point out the many danger signs of war so prevalent
a round the world. Now there are many more. Hence,
Part Two. Since the debacle of Vietnam, Americans
have crawled into a shell. We do not want to be
involved in any more "foreign" wars (only civil wars
are not foreign). No matter how important the country
involved may be to our own safety, economy, and style
of Jife, we are disinterested. The pride of our power
has all but disappeared.
Star Wars
we enjoy. Old war movies saturate TV.
Violence in the public media is only superseded by
sexploitation. Our President boldly tells the U.S.S.R.
through a speech a t graduation exercises at a war
college: "We will have cooperation or
The Bible puts the kill ratio at only
25 percent- or about 55 million of our
current population. Be encouraged!
He also beefs up our civil defense spending in prepa–
ration for the "unthinkable" nuclear Armageddon we
a ll fear may come, but dismiss because it is too un–
comfortable to consider.
Solzhenitsyn warns America of the disintegration of
our society, saying we have lost our backbone, have no
goals other than continued and increasing self-satis–
faction. He also predicts another massive war for the
planet, but doesn' t think it will be nuclear.
The Chinese insist that the next war will be a nu–
clear one, fought between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.,
but they predict the confronta tion will occur on the
traditional battlefield of Europe. The Chinese, by the
way, have been putting their entire vast human stock–
pite of nearly one billion workers to the task of creat–
ing the most massive civil defense system known to
mankind-and it is alrnost complete. They hope to
weather the storm, and they are doing something
about it. The Soviets have consistently spent some–
where in the neighborhood of ten billion dollars ayear
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1978
for ten years establishi ng a sophisticated civil defense
they hope will ensure the loss of fewer than ten mi Ilion
of their people in a nuclear exchange. The U.S. is now
belatedly beefing up its civil defense program (which
is a sickjoke) to $800,000 ayear- too little, too late.
Americans have crawled into a shell.
We do not want to be involved in any
more "foreign" wars.
A presidential study last fall determined that in the
event of a nuclear war with the Russians, about 140
million Americans would perish. A Pentagon study
disagrees and es timates the losses in excess of 170
million. The Bible, believe it or not, puts the kili ratio
at only 25 percent- or about 55 million of our current
population. Be encouraged!
The backyard bomb shelter fad died in the '50s–
everyone realized the etfort was useless. Sanctuaries
already prepared for crucial government personnel a re
accessible with a two-hour notice. Y
admittedly, if
nuclear weapons were Jaunched by submarines near
our coast, the warning time would be less than fifteen
minutes! And it took a presidential command to attain
the two-hour escape capabil ity!
Take it a ll with a grain of SALT- maybe dé tente
will work; maybe the Russians a re only cuddly bears
too involved with thei r own problems to worry about
obliterating us; maybe they are not bent on world
domination, even though that is their oft stated aim;
maybe Santa Claus and the Easter bunny are real!
Watch your daily media in every form and see how
many references to the coming war you can find - you
may be surpr ised (in more ways than one!). And ifyou're
interested in reading about a future war that an unim–
peachable source predicts is going to happen in the
near future, write for your free copy of our booklet
Red Horse: War.
Why not another war? Watch this
column for Part Three, unless. . .