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People of the Western world would be stunned- dumbfounded-if they knew1 The gov–
ernments of the United
tates, Britain, Canada, A ustralasia, South Africa wou/d set in
motion gigantic crash programs- ifthey knewl But they remain ignoran! until this day-
yet they could know1 But they don 't 1 Why?
Herbert W. Armstrong
staggering turn in world events ís due to
erupt in the next few years. lt will involve violently the
Uníted States, Britain, Westem Europe, the Middle East.
l t's already rather late for the free world to come
to the real meaning behind current world events! Why
do not the world's leaders see what is coming? Why are
the world's best minds unseeing- the heads of state,
scientists, educators, editors, news analysts, bankers, in–
dustrialists, leaders in business and commerce? They are
totally unaware! Why?
Because they have been falsely educated and deceived
into closing their minds to the great causes behind world
events and trends. This world has been falsely educated
to ignore causes and deal with effects! Yet all the world's
problems and ills are simply a matter of cause and
effect. There is a
that has produced strife and war;
poverty, wretchedness, inequality; crime, disease, mental
ills. But the leaders do not know!
The world's leaders are the educated of the world. But
they were not educated in BASIC TRUTHS- the founda–
tions of right knowledge. The most necessary knowledge
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1978
is not being taught! They do not know WHAT man is-or
WHY! They know nothing of the purpose or meaning of
life! They were not taught to distinguish the true values
from the false. They did not learn the real causes- the
way to peace, to happiness, to universal abundance; nor
the causes ofwar, unhappiness, inequalíty, world chaos.
They know nothing of the purpose being worked out
here below. Consequently, they guide humanity on a
course in conftict with that purpose, wreaking havoc
upQn a distressed, suffering, unhappy mankind. Lacking
knowledge of the way to peace, the world does not have
peace. Leaders talk of peace; they profess to work for
peace; they cry out for peace- while they give ap–
proval and blind acceptance to the way that produces
This world has simply been goi ng the wrong
This world is giving assent to, and conferring civ–
ilization's acceptance on, THE WAYS that are the CAUSES
of all the world's i!ls.
And now we are fast approaching the final grand
smash explosion that is going to stagger the mind of man