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The U.
do/lar is on its way down and out as the free world's leading currency. lts place may soon be
taken by a powerful European currency unit (ECU) heavi!y backed by gold and the mighty deutsche
mark. When that happens a United Europe in command ofworld trade wi/1 be but a step or two from
rea!ity- selling the stagefor remarkable prophecies in the book ofReve/ation.
onvulsive changcs are about
to rock the economic system
of the free world to its very
foundations. Yet, tragically, few
Americans, Britons or Ca–
nadians seem to be awake
to the economic disaster
that could be just over the
horizon for their nations.
The "Post-Dollar" Era
Within only a few months
the once mighty but now
anemic American dallar
may be toppled from its
privileged position as the
world's kingpin,.currency.
America's leading trade
partners in Europe, resigned
Gene H. Hogberg
to the dollar's terminal illness, are
aiready preparing for the post-dallar
future. They are on thc verge of
establishing a powerful new Euro-
pean monetary fund. backcd heavily
by gold and the West German mark.
This fund will be denominated in
European currency units. or ECUs.
which in turn will be the
forerunner of a future single
European currency.
This currency. when it is
established. will be in much
demand around thc world.
Future runs on thc dallar
could make the monetary
exchange crisis of the past
severa! months look like
child's play.
But we're getting ahead
of the story. Let's back up a
bit for sorne recent back–
ground events.
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1978