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Why did God create and put mankind on this earth? What is the real purpose of
human life? Almost nobody knows! Yet the Bible reveals it plainly.
íd you ever wonder about
the countless millions of
shining s tars you have
seen on an otherwise black,
cloudless night? Especially in an air–
plane a t night, sorne 40,000 feet
above the ocean, the whole vast
universe above seems to burs t
forth like a stupendous skyrocket
exploding into all the myriads of
uncountable suns, which we call
stars, that dot the vastness of unend–
Many of these seemingly tiny
stars are much larger than our own
sun. And j ust as there are planets
surrounding our sun, there ·must be
uncountable millions of planets sur–
rounding these innumerable suns.
Haven't you wondered about the
origin of our awesome, vast uní–
verse? How did it come to be? Did it
evolve? Was it created? Was there a
What about the other planets in
our own solar system? Do they sus–
tain life? Are there people on
Venus? Sorne kind of living beings
on Mars? Do any of the planets sus–
tain any kind of life, or are they all
Herbert W. Armstrong
like the moon-dead, decayed. life–
less, pockma rked, wasted, empty,
uninhabitable? And
they are in a
state of total decay, why would an
intelligent Creator have created
them in such a manner?
Or did He?
These are intriguing questions in–
deed. Astronomers may hazard
sorne guesses. The actua l facts they
do not have. Unmanned spacecraft,
which have sent photographs back
to earth from vantage points very
close to sorne of these planets. do
give any evidence of conditions
that would sustain life.
Pictures from the Martian sur–
face, for instance, showed a sandy
desert littered with rocks- from very
minute size to perhaps a foot or
more in diameter.
was a dry, bar–
ren, sterile surface. Other photo–
graphs revealed only a wasteland,
crater-marked with the evidence of
constant meteoric bombardment.
The other planets are ha rsh, air–
less, desolate places. Venus is so in–
~o t
its atmosphere of massive acrid
clouds that it reminds o ne of
Dan te's description of his entirely
fictitious fiery inferno commonly
called "hellfi re."
Still man persists in probing the
far reaches of the universe for sorne
sign of organic life. Many scientists
insis t tha t sorne form of physical life
is to be found somewhere out there.
Yet a ll the presently existing physi–
cal evidence indicates this earth is
the sole body with living ma tte r in
this endless universe- the o nly
planet which has conditions that are
actually life-supporting.
The Vast Universe-and Man
Science customarily rejects divine
revelation as a source of fundamen–
tal knowledge- especially basic
knowledge of human origins and
that of the astral bodies. But while
science can te ll us little or nothing
about the origins and present state
of these numberless astral bodies,
the Bible does give us considerable
insight into their existence. how
they carne to be in such a sta te of
decay. their purpose and their fu–
ture. Most certa inly this is not gen–
erally realized or understood. Yet it
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1978