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we A
AKE from the trance and take
a hard look at it!
True progress is not measured by
the false yardstick of gadgetry, me–
chanical devices, and the fatal con–
cept that labor is a curse and
idleness is a blessing. Science, indus–
try, and modero education have
concentrated on developing the ma–
chine while degenerating the man!
Education- and the world of its
creation-has lost all knowledge of
the PURPOSE and true meaning of
has lost all sense of the true
values, while blindly pursuing the
false. Education has failed ' to teach
AY to peace, happiness, and
abundant well-being. The actual
bitter fruits of this modero materi–
alistic "progress" are increased un–
happiness, discontent, boredom,
and moral, spiritual and educational
DECADENCE! The American and
British peoples are traveling the
identical road that led to the fall of
the "great" nations of the past–
Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome!
This is a very deceptive world.
With all this "progress" it remains a
hard, cold fact that
never before
the world filled with so much dis–
content, unhappiness, and suffer–
ing-never so much ill health,
mental disturbance, frustration and
suicide, even in the affluent nations.
Never before so many divorces and
broken bornes, so much juvenile de–
linquency, crime and violence. That
is, unless, as Jesus remarked, it was
"in the days of Noah." And
was it possible to erase
human life from the earth by the
educational and inventive genius
and the productive capacity ofman !
This is a deceived world that
doesn't know it is deceived! WHY?
There is a reason. There has to be
for every effect.
Sir Winston Churchill put his fin–
ger on the answer. Speaking before
the United States Congress, he said,
". .. he must indeed have a blind
soul who cannot see that sorne great
purpose and design is being worked
out here below ofwbich we have the
honor to be the faithful servants."
This implies a divine Higher Power
doing the working out. This is the
starting point
of a right and true
education. This strikes directly at
PLAIN TRUTH September 1978
tbe. FOUNDATION of knowledge- the
most important, most needful of all
knowledge-the PURPOSE of human
life, understanding of the true val–
ues, and knowing
the way
to every
desired resull !
Yet right here, at the basic start–
ing point, is precisely where educa–
tion jumped tbe track of its true
mission. And this chaotic, mixed-up,
unhappy world is the result.
life? Science can give us no knowl–
edge of purpose beyond trying to
enjoy the passing moments. Educa–
tion does not have the answer, nor
teach it. Aristotle, Socrates, Plato all
lacked the answer. Augustine sought
the answer all his life-in vain! Of
this most important of all knowl–
edge, the world is utterly IGNORANT!
In such a world is it any wonder
that the great minds doubt whether
there is any real Higher Power
working out His intelligent PUR–
any wonder that sorne
dim-brains gave the world a fresh
shock with the ridiculous slogan
"God is dead! " To state that God is
dead is to confess there really
God-and if God
God still
for unless He
the Eternal- the
never was Goo!
In the second and third centuries
we had gnosticism-meaning
know. "
Today most educators, sci–
entists and great minds are AGNOS–
meaning "we
know- we
are IGNORANT" ! And this IGNO–
RANCE they glorify in the guise of
As a BASIS for knowledge-as a
FOUNOATION for education, we
with two alternatives. Right here is
the CHOICE between fact and fancy ;
between true knowledge and igno–
rance; between TRUTH and error.
there a Higher Power with design
working out intelligent PURPOSE, or
are we mere accidents of the blind,
unintelligent, purposeless force of
nature, descended from a single–
celled amoeba sparked to life by
"spontaneous generation," "electro–
chemical action," or other unknown
accidental process?
The only truly scientific method is
to PROVE a proposition before ac–
cepting it as scientific FACT. But has
either science or education PROVEO
the evolutionary theory? Emphat–
ically they have not! By its very na–
ture it is a theory not subject to
proof. Has either science or educa–
tion PROVEO the nonexistence of a
personal Supreme God, of supreme
intelligence, wisdom, and POWER to
create? Emphatically they have not!
WHY, then, do so many great minds
who profess knowledge and wisdom
doubt or deny God's existence?
Simply because of something inher–
ent in human nature-something of
which they are ignorant-a spirit of
vanity, coupled with hostility and
rebellion against their Maker and
His authority!
Is it, after all, rational or in–
tellectual to willfully
unproved and unprovable, to be
while ridiculing provable truth,
But what of the other two basic
ALTERNATIVES as one's approach to
a Higher Power! And at
Ambassador College this is not care–
lessly assumed, but definitely, ra–
tionally, scientifically PROVEo! And
PURPOSE! Humanity was put
here for a PURPOSE of such transcen–
dent magnitude that even the great
minds, in their carnality, cannot
grasp it ! And there
A WAY to
peace between individuals, groups
and nations, but tragically none of
this world's leaders were taught it!
A WAY to happiness and
abundant well-being, but modero
education does not teach it.
So it all boils down to this crucial
point: There are the
two alternatives
as a starting point-a BASIS- a FOUN–
DATION for knowledge. This world
and its education have adopted the
fictional, false foundation . And this
erroneous foundation is the
which becomes its approach to
got off on a false start.
Hence it is axiomatic that this world ·
and its leaders are not being taught
values, but pursue the false.
The woild is left without knowledge
of life's PURPOSE ¡1nd meaning and
is devoid of right goals, in utter ig–
norance of THE
AY to every de–
sired blessing!
What an indictment against a
complicated, highly organized ,
(ConJinued on page 39)