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"There a re Russian planes and sub–
marines a ll around us. 1 am no
right-wing warmonger, but 1 do be–
lieve we must have more of our own
Don't Count on America
As never before America's allies are
giving thought to the idea that ifthey
are to su rvive the Soviet challenge
they are going to have todo it them–
selves. Washington isn't likely to
cometo their aid when the chjps are
down, as the late French Presiden!
Charlesde Gaullewarned repeatedly.
At a recent speech at Cornell Uni–
versity, former British Pr ime Minis–
ter Edward Heath said: "We in
Europe will no longer be able to
expect the United States to take ac–
tion in any part of the world to put
right something which we don't üke.
This is a new world into which we
have moved. Europe must be pre–
pared to make a greater contribu–
tion to the security of the Atlantic
alliance as a whole."
A particularly acute analysis of
the impending rift between America
and Europe appeared in London 's
Sunday Telegraph
of April 16. Col–
umnist Peregrine Worsthome. in his
article entitled "A Chamberlain in
the White House." reminded his
readers that for about a quarter of a
century Europeans slept happily a t
night, secure in the knowledge th at
America's free-wo rld leadership,
backed up with her nuclear st ra tegic
force, kept them safe. But 1978 is no
longer the 1950s and 60s. he said.
Europeans must retl ect upon more
traditional " 19th centu ry doubts
about the United Statcs' capacity
for internationalleadership."
The United States, stressed the
columnist, "has succeeded in arous–
ing distrust about its leadership
across the whole political spectrum
in Western Europe...."
A Call for Self-Defense
American policy in southern Africa
was a major ingredient of this lack
of confidence. According to Wor–
sthorne: "The Carter Administra–
tion, dragging [British Foreign
Secretary] Dr. Owen behind it, is
determined to destroy the black–
white interna! settlement in Rho–
desia and to bring about revolut ion–
ary conditions in South Africa itself,
wholly regardless of the con–
sequences of such evil courses on
the economic life and security of
Western Europe. l f it succeeds in
this endeavour, it will be the begin–
ning of the end of the Western al–
liance, since vital European interests
will have been sacri.ficed. "
The same could be said of critica!
European interests in the Middle
East-the source of Western Eu–
rope's energy needs.
"So perhaps the prewar genera–
tion was correct after all," con–
cluded Wors thorne, "not lo rely on
the United States. When even pro–
American Europeans are compelled
to reach this conclusion- as increas–
ingly they a re- then sure ly the time
has come for something lo be done
about it. In fact. the obvious reac–
tion, which may well be long over–
due, is for Wes tem Europe to look
more and more to its own defenses
and its own interest, if need be, in
defiance of the U.S. Such a world
could we ll be intensely dangerous,
but even this could be a blessing in
disguise. Without the shelter of the
American umbrella, Eu rope might
once again find the will- after
decades of decadence- to be true to
its own destiny."
Needed: A New Bismarck
But which nation would lead this
unified Europe? In an article in the
Daily Telegraph
ofApril 7 titled "Eu–
rope in Need of Pilot." a British
member of Par li amen t. Julian
Critchley, wrote: " Is the rc a modern
Bismarck in Europe? He. too, may
well be German, for it is thc Federal
Republic which has become the most
powerful nation within the [Euro–
pean]community. The !ron Chancel–
lor was the a rchitect ofGe rman unity
in the 19th century; if the Common
Market is ever to become a supersta te
and not just a supermarket. it will be
the result ofGerman leadership."
Critchley added that such a Ger–
man-led union cou ld come about
" in the face of a common enemy"–
a lluding to the Soviet threat. " Fear
would be the cement."
For years- even before the con–
clusion of the Second World War–
the editors of
The Plain Truth
warned their readers tha t, based
upon biblical prophecy- specifically
the 13th and 17th chapters
of Re~ela -
tion (coupled wi th the book ofDan ie l,
cha pters 2 and 7)- there would even–
tua lly arise a powerfu l united Europe,
reconstituting, in modern form, the
ancient Roman Empire. Such an en–
tity, cemented by the fear of being
swal lowed up by Soviet power,
would, ofnecessity, move first into an
adversary re la ti ons hip with the
United States before its ultimate
showdown with Communism.
Now news reports bear out this
ve ry trend. ( For a concise ex–
planation of end-time events, wri te
for our free booklet
The Book of
Revela/ion Unveiled at Last.)
For the past three decade the na–
tions of free Europe have inch by
inch coalesced into a common eco–
nomic bloc. It has been a slow pro–
cess-even though the professed
goal of the European Community is
political unity.
The fina l union of Europe could
ve ry well be forged out of fea r for
the future-and fear that Europe's
two-millennia-old Roman Catholic–
based c ulture is about to be
trampled under the heels of athe–
istic Soviet "scientific socia lism."
Western Europe is not quite at
thisstage yet. lts rulership is primari ly
socialist oriented, more to the oft left
of the political spect rum. But as the
Soviets continue to eat away a t Eu–
rope's worldwide interes ts, and the
U.S. response remains confused and
timid, there will , to use the words of
columnist Wor thorne, "be a right–
wing backlash against the United
Sta tes of a ferocity which will make
the left-wing revulsions of Vie tnam
seem puerile.''
U.S . lsolated; Europe to Unlte
The e nd resu lt , according to a
prominent international invcs tment
expert, could be this: "Watch out
for the possibility of a massive re–
shutfling in world a lliances. Given
our [America's] present foreign pol–
icy. the United States could be left
a lone in the world without al–
líes.... We have an extraordinary
foreign policy: Abandon fri ends.
subsidize enemies."
In Europe, when this "massive
reshuffiing" is over, the result wi ll
be a United Europe un ified in the
face of the Soviet threat. standing
apart, if need be, in defiance of an
isolated United States.
PLAIN TRUTH August 1978