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ost of us think of eating
as one Óf the few plea–
sures of Life that isn't im–
moral or illegal. And so, as the
richest nation in the world, we
indulge ... and indulge ... and
indulge. In affiuent America, we
annually consume nearly a ton of
food and drink per man, woman
and child. We spend over 200 bil–
lion dollars each year to satisfy
our growing appetite. But the
price we pay for our affiuent diets
may be even hígher-much
higher-than we realize.
The fact is, sorne 70 million
Americans are overweight. Mil–
lions now suffer from a whole
11/ustrations by Seymour Chwast
Robert A. Ginskey
host of modern diseases- diabe–
tes, heart dísease, hypertension,
cancer. And sometimes we won–
der-are we really the best-fed
nation on earth? Or simply the
most overfed?
According to a recent survey,
88 percent of Americans want to
know more about proper nutri–
tion. Only 14 percent really be–
lieve our diets are adequate.
Actually, there's mounting evi–
dence that many of our modero
diseases, including the leading
causes of death, can be directly
linked to what health authorities
call the affiuent diet.
Interestingly enough, the af-