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The New''Freedom''
The sex revolution is in fui/ bloom . We hove leaped from the
of Victorian morality to the
of sexual freedom and
license! What used to be called obscenity is now quite often
legal! What wi/1 be the effects of the new u freedom
Westcrn world has
passed from an age of darkness
and ignorance, to an age of nearly
unlimited freedom. The hush-hush,
shame-faced approach toward sex which
characterized the old Victorian morality
is gone.
Granted, the "old morality" of the
Victorian era, with its prudish view of
sex, led to a world full of marital woes,
frustrations and misery as a direct result
of sexual ignorance!
But has the "freedom" and per–
missiveness of the
" N EW
brought us the solutions to the prob–
lems created by the old morality?
Or are we facing a whole new set of
sexual problems?
The Starding Facts
Notice the facts! Concurrent with
the sexual revolution, a parallel explo–
sioo of venereal diseascs, marital frus–
trations, skyrocketing divorce, broken
homes, unwanted pregnancies and abor–
tions has occurred.
Last year throughout the United
States there were over 300,000 illegiti–
mate babies - a real national problem.
But that is only part of the new
morality picture. Gonorrhea has been
rising at the phenomcnal rate of 20 pcr–
cent a year! More than a mi Ilion Ameri–
caos between 15 and 24 suffer f rom this
formerly unmentionable disease.
These facts indicate that the explosive
W ill iom F. Donkenbring
knowledge about sex provided our
young people. tod.ty, has not really edu–
cated them! Certainly, it has
vented divorce, illegitimate children, or
skyrocketing venereal disease.
No More "Victorian Prudery"
Can't we see what is happening?
The per.dulum has swung from the
strait-laced, long-slccved, ankle-length
morals of Victorian pmdery to the
opposite extreme - to the anything–
goes, free-sex, opcn nudity of the
current "new" morality.
Seeing the problems and "hang-ups"
of the old morality, today's eager gener–
ation has galloped off to the very oppo–
site extreme, and has become "hung up"
on the problems,
rustrations, and kick–
backs of the new morality.
Plainly, society has traded in one tyr–
anny for another.
Let's face the facts. It is true that
widespread Victorian prudery resulted
in widespread sexual
abuse of sex.
is also true that in years
gone by it was virtually impossible for
young people to be properly educated
about sexual matters. Even textbooks
refused to deal with sexual matters
explicit, needed way.
Why? It was an age of hush-hush,
largely fostered by stern religious teach–
ings. The "old morality" resulted from
religious beliefs that sex was s ínful and