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Ouírtard-Gamma (Top): Alan Noguas-Sygma (M1ddla andBottom)
hen a football team pro–
duces a quick succession
goals (or first downs in
the American version of the game).
it acquires what is called "momen–
tum" and becomes a rea l threat.
The same is true in the arena of
international power politics. The So–
viet Union has chalked up sorne im–
pressive gains recently. mainly in
Africa. The geopolitical momentum
is clearly on its side.
Worst of all, Moscow is becoming
emboldened in its drive for world
domination. The Soviets have read
America's post-Vietnam mood well.
They realize that public sentiment
plus congressional restrictions prac–
tically eliminate the possibility of
U.S. troops being dispatched over–
seas to contest Communist aggres–
The men in the Kremlin believe
that Presiden! Carter's recent
"strong" denunciations of Soviet ac–
tivities in Africa are mere words
that cannot be backed up by ac-
Key allies around the world are
having doubts as never before
about the ability of the United
States to protect the free world
against the rapidly mounting
Soviet challenge. Wi/1 Western
Europe, Japan and others be
forced to defend themselves-
even in defiance ofAmerica?
Gene H. Hogberg
tion- the only "language" they pay
attention to.
Threat to Europe Mounts
In Europe, meanwhile, the buildup
of offensive Soviet forces continues
unabated. Monstrous new missiles,
sorne of them on mobile launch
pads, are targeted on West Euro–
pean cities. In conventional weap–
onry the gap between the Warsaw
Pact and NATO widens.
The Soviets already have a nearly
three-to-one numerical advantage
in tanks. Early this year, they
mounted an unprecedented propa–
ganda campaign against the pro–
posed neutron bomb. which was
specifically designed to penetrate in–
vading Soviet arms with deadly
radiation. Many Europeans feel that
this propaganda pressure resulted in
President Carter's decision to post–
pone production of the weapon.
On the high seas, the Soviets are
developing an offensive strike-force
navy designed in large part to be
PLAIN TRUTH August 1978