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Most people know nex t to nothing about God To understand ourselves, why we
where we are going, and
we need to know more about our Creator.
anyone where the real be–
nning is in the Bible. He
would probably reply,
"Genesis l:
But he
would be absolutely wrong! The
real beginning of the Bible is NOT
Genesis 1:1 , but in the New Testa–
ment, John 1:1-2: "I n the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with
In the beginning there existed two
all-knowing, all-powerful, all-per–
fect SUPERBEINGS. Each possessed
supreme MIND and CREATIVE power.
One is called "the Word," the other
is called "God." But the Word,
states, was also God-though a sep–
arate Personage. Although the one
called "God" was supreme in au–
thority, yet He and the Word were
in all other respects equal. In mind
they were in complete harmony and
There existed at first only these
two Superpersons in space-no mat–
ter, no other beings or life forros, no
physical universe. Both Superbeings
Herbert W. Armstrong
had a lways existed. There never
was a time when they did not co–
Continuing in verse 3: ''Ail things
were made by him [the Word] ; and
without him was nol any thing
made that was made." God created
all things
the Word.
Since these two Beings thought pre–
cisely a like in perfect harmony, the
Word created all things exactly as
directed by God.
God l s Creator
Do you want to know what God is?
Above all,
God is Creator!
These two supernatural SPIRlT
BEINGS were both Creators. But, as
human beings think, plan and de–
sign-even putting their plans on
paper before starting to build or
cons truct-so these two Superbeings
thought , planned and designed.
There was no hurry. They might
have thought and planned for many
millions (or even bill ions) of years,
as we count time, before starting the
Whether you believe
or ttot,
matter was
the first thing to be
created. God created not only the
visible, but
the invisible!
The Bible says of the Word: "For
by him were all things created, tha t
are in heaven, and that are in earth,
visible and
in visible,
whether they
be thrones, or dominions, or
or powers: all things were
created by him, and for him" (Col.
1: 16).
These two original Persons, being
SPIRIT BEINGS themselves, composed
of spirit (remember God is spi rit–
John 4:24), designed and produced
a type of spirit being somewhat like
themselves- only naturalty of far
lower degree. These beings, ca lled
"angels," are invisible to human
eyes. These spirit-composed angels
were of three or more levels of
power and ability in thought–
simple angels: a higher class of ang–
els called seraphs; and the highest,
cherubs, of which there were only
three-all inferior in mind and
power to God. These created beings
(angels) were equipped with
minds- with the ability to know,
PLAIN TRUTH August 1978