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Begin's Past Hlstory
Did your writer (Keith Stump, "Sadat's
Bold Gamble for Peace," March
deliberately cover up for Men–
achem Begin? Or doesn't he know the
truth about this man?
am endowed
with an excellent memory and
rccall a mad-dog terrorist who bombed
tbe King David Hotel, killing many
people, among them sorne high British
officials. There were a la rge number of
lsraelis killed by this terrorist, who was
the head of the lrgun gangsters. He ac–
tually boasled of how many he killed.
including his
people. and lhat lhe
British had placed a $40.000 reward on
his head. The only dilference between
Begin lhen and now is thal he has
shaved off his moustache, acquired a
semblance of respeclability and begun
calling good people " terrorists"!
Joseph Hunsinger,
Winston. Montana
Wants Hls Gas Guzzler
l'm very upset about an article in the
Plain Truth
entitled " Learning the
Lost Art of Energy Conservation," by
George Ritter.
especially take exception
to the section on "traosforming the auto–
mobile into a practica! means of trans–
am sick and ti red of having
small tin cans on wheels shoved down my
throat. Mr. Ritter suggests a limit of
horsepower and 3300 pounds body
weight on any passenger car. This is all
fine and dandy for those who do not need
a larger car. He maintains that anyone
wbo wants a larger car musl be an idiot
who uses it only to ride bis dogs. cals, and
golf bags! Whal about families with five
or six or more chi ldren? Do they ride on
the roof?
Healso states lhat bigcars are safer. but
only because they are lhe ones having
collisions wi1h small cars. He suggests
that ifeveryone weredrivingsmall cars to
begin with, the collision risk factor would
be significantly reduced. Well, what
about people who hit lrees, telephone
poles, trains. buses. or semitrucks? Do we
PLAIN TRUTH June/Jury 1978
do away with 1hose, just because sorne
little car mighl run into them?
we do have a real gas shorlage, which
doubt, then ration gas! That's the only
solution. Let's not use as much, inslead of
making ourselves miserable by raising
.the price orgetting rid oflargecars. l'll bet
Mr. Ritter hasn ' t given up his car for a
Clay Jordan,
Roseburg. Oregon
Riuer and three other
Plain Truth
members ride bikes to work at least par/
of the time.
Suicide: The Deadly Signals
Reading through the article "Suicide:
The Deadly Signals," it says Muslims
would like to die fighting in a holy war.
This is wrongly interpreted in 1he article
as suicide. Fighting a holy war would be
a defense of one's religion or coun1ry
from an invader. very much like any
other war where opposing armies do
their ulmost to be conquerors. Training
of any soldier is to win, no matter what
the cosl in life or materials. He goes into
the battlefield to win for his country.
evcn if it means that he has lo sacrifice
his life.
G. A. Mahomed.
Laudium, Republic of South Africa
lmpressed by Services
sent a little card to you which
rcsulled in a telephone call from your
minister. At my invitation he visited my
Oue to rapidry increasing costs of paper
and other production expenses,
Plain Truth
has adopted a poricy of pro–
ducing onry ten issues per year. This
issue of
Tfle Plain Truth
is cover dated
June/ July. This year we are combin–
ing June and Jury as well as October
and November.
is hoped that we will
be abre to return to the full 12 issues
per year in the future-income permit–
ting. Thank you for your royalty and
continued support of
The Plain Trutfl.
-Managing Editor
family and myself in our home. He in–
vited us to attend Sabbath services the
next Sabbath. Talk about meeting nice
people! Wow! As we were waiting in
the hall, my fourteen-year-old son
turned to me and said, "l've never seen
so many friendly people before in my
life." Later when my wife and ten-year–
old daughter joined us. my daughter
said. " Daddy. lhese sure are a friendly
bunch of people."
must say my wife
received the same impression. lf
all your ministers are of this caliber and
even a small perccn1age of 1he people ·
are as happy. racliant. and cheerful as
the ones we have met.
feel you are'
doing a lot of good. We are looking
forward to spending a lot more Sab–
baths with God's people. Thanks a lot
for allowing me lo have a small part in
this Work.
Angel Dust
John R. Abbott,
Morrow. Ohio
read the article on "Angel Dus1" in
your magazine and was very impressed
with lhe way that abuse ofthis drug was
brought out in such a short space.
an investigator for a steel company and
one of my duties· is drug enforcemcnt.
would appreciate a copy of
The Di·
lemma ofDrugs
and any other literalure
you may have available on the subject
of drug abuse. This would help me in
making good. easily understood reading
available to the employees in our com–
pany. Again, may
commend you for a
very well-written article oh a very seri–
ous s ubject.
Michael Canada.
Valparaiso. Indiana
Answers His Questlons
Picase pul me on your mailing list for
the magazine.
find it spiritually re–
warding and it helped me by answering
sorne questions 1 didn't have answers
for. l'd be happy to send donations.
Thank you.
Philip J . Goodrich
Allegan. Michigan