Page 40 - 1970S

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Fe rdinand E. Marcos
has been
re-elected as President of the
Philippines, and os such becomes
the first Filipino President to win
o second full term in the highest
office of the land.
Emerging from World Wor 11
os his notion's most decorated
soldier (27 medals from the Phil–
ippines and the U. S.), President
Marcos has dedicoted most of his
life to the service of his country.
After the wor he become involved
in politics, serving four terms in
Congress and in 1959 wos elect–
ed to the Senate.
He became President of the
Philippines in 1966, ot the oge
of 48. An energetic leoder, he
pushed through progroms of rood
building, lond reform and public
construction. A successful stote
visit to the U. S. in 1966 gave
him such favorable publicity he
was able, loter thot yeor, to host
o Summit Conference in Manila
for the leaders of seven notions
involved in the Vietnam war.
Politicol foes hove accused him
of groft ond corruption, but the
people of the Philippines, enjoying
greoter prosperity thon ever,
voted him bock into office. The
next four years will see mony
chonges in this notion of 37 mil–
lion, but President Marcos op–
peors confident thot he is the mon
to moke oll the chonges work for
the betterment of his notion.