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Underground Readership
In January 1 wrote asking for a sub–
scription to your magazine. To date 1
have received only the May and June
issues. Nevertheless, the two copies that
did receive have really made the
rounds, being read by U.S. citizens who
are residents of Cuba, and Cuban na–
tionals who are tluent in English. For
obvious reasons
must show care to
loan the magazines. However,
if and when 1 receive additional copies,
you can be well assured that they will
reach at least fifty readers before they
fati apart, as the last ones have from
would greatly appreciate it if you
could put more issues in the mail.
Please remember that it is not advisable
to send printed material in Spanish, but
only in English. Written material in
English has a much better chance of
slipping by Cuban postal inspectors
who have orders to ban any material
dealing with God.
Taklng Sides?
Name Withheld,
Havana, Cuba
1 am puzzled after reading sorne of your
world affairs artícles in
The Plain Truth.
It appears as though you are taking
sides with the forces of democracy
against communism. 1 fail to see why
you would take sides with any govern–
ment establíshed by man and inspired
by Satan-and all existing governments
fall into this category. In South Africa
you clearly take issue with the Commu–
nist-inspired forces which are trying to
work out their own selfish goals. 1 agree
with you in this. Yet you openly support
a govemment which is based solely on
is obvious tha t South Africa
and Rhodesia are not practicing the sec–
o nd of two great commandments,
"Love thy neighbor as thyself." God
tells us to Lift up our voices. cry aloud
and tell His people their sins. Your writ–
ings seem to indícate that the only sin
that has been committed is allowing
The PLAIN TRUTH April 1978
communism to exist. Why don't you tell
to repent and explain what will
happen to them if they don't?
James E. Stewart,
Durham, North Carolina
Grateful Prisoner
As a prisoner,
would like to express
my deepest thanks regarding the spiri–
tual and physical !ove and encourage–
ment I've experienced from tbe many
si ncere people of th e Worldwid e
Church of God here in Maryland. Since
becoming aware of your work, my
whole life has changed completely. [My
minister) visits me quite often at my
present place of confinement. In addi–
tion, I'm further blessed with visits from
the members of the Church here, along
with receiving many letters of encour–
owe so much to these beau–
tiful people. Sometimes the thought of
receiving so many letters of inspiration
and knowing that so many are con–
cerned about me- a prisoner-truly
brings tears of joy to my eyes. A burn–
ing desire is now in me to somehow
reach the world with my appreciation
and share this !ove and concern.
U.W. ,
Jessup, Maryland
Causes of Depresslon
Though your article on depression ("Es–
caping the Gray Menace," January
Plain Truth)
is very excellent, it might
lead one to believe that any and all
cases of depression have psychological
origins due to one's environment. 1 am
The Plain Truth
staff is well aware
of depressions that are internally gener–
ated by biochemical abnormalitíes, such
as hypothyroiditis, Addison's disease ,
hypoglycemia, Cushing's disease, etc. 1
realize that yours is not the type of
magazine dedicated to publishing tech–
nical medica! articles, but 1 bel ieve it
should be mentioned that if a person
finds himself in a depression which does
not go away in any reasonable length of
time. despite efforts to change his life–
style or reorient bis thinking, he would
do well to seek proper medica! help and
find out just what the problem really is.
Such states if not corrected can lead to
serious consequences such as suicide.
And depressions associated with endo–
crine disorders can lead to serious phys–
ical as well as mental problems.
Anyone suffering from severe depres–
sion would do well to seek professional
help, especially if there is no obvious
triggering factor. Sorne symptoms in–
dicating depression include chaoges in
sleep patterns (particularly early morn–
ing awakening) , withdrawal and loss of
contact with the environment, delu–
sions, memory loss, or a totalloss of the
ability to make decisions. Because there
is effective medica! treatment for de–
pression, it is important that one who is
experiencing these symptoms seek
proper medica! help before lapsing into
a state in which he becomes totally inca–
pacitated and finally ends up the victim
of suicide. This subject is very close to
borne with me because
have battled
the severe depressions associated with
Addison's disease, and
know whereof
Joyce Roj as,
Daytona Beach, Florida
In God's lmage
1 would like to congra tulate you on the
excellent article " In the Image of God"
(December 1977
Plain Truth).
lations have knocked the wind out of
sorne people's (and nations') beliefs- that
the Bible gives them the right to mistreat
their fellowman just because he is of a
different ethnic background or economic
and social status. 1 am a nonwhite, and
after reading your message-supported
by the words ofthe true God-1can afford
to walk confidently and be proud that 1
am made in the image of God. 1 belong
only to the human race , and 1am free to
seek God's will and find it no matter
whatever status 1 have in this short life.
This world needs your message. Please
keep it up.
Fort Collins, Colorado