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men all repented and strove to over–
come. But they were all men of
strong purpose, strong will guided
by God ; all possessed leadership,
but also !ove and faith and a con–
secrated obedience to the will of
God. But they were not elferninate.
sentimental men indulging in an af–
fected, put-on, religious-sounding
way of talking.
Look at the apostles Peter and
Paul. They were the same. You
don't find any of this pseudospiri–
tuality in them- yet they were truly
spiritual men, devoted to obeying
God and serving the needs of the
But one thing to watch and guard
against every second is an attitude
of resentment, bitterness, hatred.
Don' t let anything, no matter how
unjust, make you sour and bitter.
That is the deadliest mental and
spiritual poison. We must !ove even
our enemies wbo perpetrate the
greatest outrages- though we do not
condone their evils.
Remember what a glorious goal
we have before us!
How grateful we ought to be!
How our bearts ought to be fiooded
with !ove and gratitude to the Great
God for His matchless !ove toward
us. I'm sure we don't grasp what a
supreme price He paid to make it
possible. He wants us to be
changed- to overcome and root out
this debasing, rotten carnality- and
to grow into His righteousness, that
we may share His glory.
And. you know, 1 be!ieve God
wants and longs to share the su–
preme glory that He has with you!
Make it your supreme overall life
vocation, and work hard at it!
The Japanese spy who stealthily
and secretly obtained al! the infor–
mation the Japanese needed to
bomb Pearl Harbor said that he was
not a very brilliant man, and learn–
ing carne hard to him, but he
worked hard, relentlessly, with zeal,
and with purpose, and with dili–
gence. He succeeded- with terrible
destruction- in plunging the United
States into World War 11- and.
nally. in the eventual defeat of his
own nation.
Let us work hard at our calling
and mission of being real Christians.
We shall succeed, with God's help–
in final and eterna! glory ! O
PLAIN TRUTH April 1978
(Continued from page 6)
about. We !ive in a very fortunate
generation. Not only have we en–
tered an era in astronomy when
physical knowledge of the universe
is expanding beyond our compre–
hension, but revealed knowledge
about the true origins of man, the
earth and the universe is increas–
ingly becoming available to an ever
growing number ofpeople.
You are a spark of life in the
universe. Your potential is truly
awesome! You are a potential dy–
namo! But the physical universe of
itself will not reveal the source of
that great power to you. lt has
been revealed by a Super ln–
telligence somewhere in the confines
of outer space.
You see, there a re intelligent
creatures that occupy a dilferent di–
mension in the cosmos. And these
beings from outer space have visited
this earth and have even left certain
documents and records to prove it.
_Popular wri ter Erich von Daniken
has written that the earth has had
extraterrestrial visitors and that they
have Jeft definite indications of their
visits, if only men would take the
trouble to Iook at the evidence. But
the records and documents I'm writ–
ing about do not have to be found in
unexplored ruins deep in the jungles
of Guatemala or Honduras. They do
not have to be sought for in remote
caves hidden in the Libyan desert.
More than likely you have a per–
sonal collection of these records and
documents right there in your own
living room. I think you know what
particular Book I'm talking about.
Man's ultimate destiny lies in
whether or not he gets into contact
with the great Superior Being resid–
ing somewhere in outer space. If
any person ever
makes that
contact, it can change his whole
life's direction.
If you wish to discover what this
human life is all about, why there is
a universe, and if spaceship Earth is
a possible platform for future explo–
ration into space, then write for our
free article entitled "When a Man
from Space Visited Earth."
To live, die, and ultimately go to heaven, hell,
or someplace in between? Or to fulfill the
most exciting, mind-boggling destiny imag-
inable? To find out, write
for the free booklets
Were You Born?
Awesome Universe.
See the inside f ront
cover for the ad-
orn ,
dress of our of–
fice nearest you.