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nerves, coup d'etat, etc. , ad in–
fin itum. All our Creator needed to
do to inform thinking and reason–
able men in time to make proper
preparation was to cause to be writ–
ten and preserved these s imple
statements: "You will hear of wars
and rumours of wars.... there will
be sore misery then, such as has
never been, from the beginning of
the world till now- no and never
shall be. Had not those days been
cut short, nota soul would be saved
alive ..."! (Matt. 24:6, 21, 22, Mof–
Those words plainly tell us in suc–
cinct form what to watch for in the
daily headlines just befare the end
(that's the end ofthe present society,
man's governments, by the way, and
not the end of the earth, as scolfers
would bke to bebeve the ·Bible
teaches). What's more importan!,
these words are comforting! Com–
forting because they add the good
news of what God has in store
beyond the scope of mere human
sight. They add the sure word of
hope in an age of hopelessness.
Read those words!
The Word for Today: Bad
When you see all these problems
exploding around you, God's advice
in modern language is , "Don' t get
shook!" " See and do not be
alarmed. These (things] have to
come, but it is not the end yet"
(Matt. 24:6). God knew things were
going to be the way they are today.
God knew mankind would not be
able to find solutions to his multiple
problems. God knew human beings
would escalate their troubles to the
point of human extinction. Now
mankind is beginning to see the pic–
ture. Mankind sees all the problems,
but none who see the problems well
are very enthusiastic about the pos–
sibility of solving them. Scientists
readily admit they do not now have
the answers. Politicians certainly
don't have the answers (they are a
big part of the problem!). Priests
and clerics sit mumbling at the bot–
tom of an abyss where the world has
thrown them and their dead god.
(Read about that in Isaiah 26:12-
14.) Educators are figh ting for their
own lives-they have no answers;
PLAIN TRUTH April 1978
their futu re looks black! Indust ry in
its greed is creating a majar portian
of the problems, is reluctant to re–
form, has no real answers. The fi–
nancia! world is busy diggíng its
own grave- no answers there.
The Word for Tomorrow: Good
But God says things are not going to
end the way mankind predicts! God
says He knows mankind has the
power to blow himself off the fa ce of
the earth, but God insists by His
right as Creator and Ruler that He
wíll not allow things to go quite that
far-He plans to stop the world and
get on!
or not, God laves us in
spite of aU our faults. In fact , He
!oves us more than we love our–
selves, and He is not going to a!Jow
us to destroy ou rselves! (John 3: 16,
Romans 5:8, Matthew 24:22.) Those
are the words for tomorrow, plus
whole chapters, whole books that
outline in detail God's good news
for tomorrow's world!
The Word for Today
But back to today- that's what the
article 's about. The Bible can pro–
vide you advance notice about next
week's headlines. next month's and
next year's! It's more than modero.
lt's beyond up to date! lt 's
1f you get busy and read the
Book, you'IJ be able to anticípate
world events.
And more importan!, you'll learn
how God in that same Word has
provided the principies which will
enable you to live through those
events and participate actively in
the good news beyond! When you
pick up you r daily newspaper, your
weekly news magazine, when you
watch TV news (or programs), you'll
be able to say, "1 read it fi rst in the
Bible!" These are sorne areas for
you to prove the point , to practice
with, to get excited about.
And remember God's comforting
advice about today's news: "Don't
get shook!" Today's news is bad,
and bound to get worse! But as you
read more of the Book you'll see
more of the good news beyond
today's bad news.
Does "Don't get shook !" mean we
should take today's bad news and
the horrors yet to come with a shrug
of the shoulders? No! Does that
mean we shouldn't be alarmed into
action? No! Does that mean we
should oot begin to make personal
changes, because God is going to do
it all? No, no, no!
simply means
that as you begin to see God's plan
for the future, you don't have to
face it wi th all the frustration that
accompanies the ignorance of the
unknown that mankind alone, with–
out God, must face. It means you
can have hope beyond the horrible
terror man predicts for the world's
future. It means you will want to
join us in getting this good message
toa dying world!
A few samples:
Read Isaiah chapter three. Go to
your local library and read the same
chapter in severa! modern trans–
lations of the Bible. Then read your
daily newspaper and see if you can
find any resemblance between the
God warns us in many places that
in the time frame just befare
Christ's return, conditions in society
would be a blatant, unblushing,
even proud duplication of those of
Sodom and Gomorrah just befare
He wiped them out! Read Genesis
18. 19; Jeremiah 6:13-16 and Luke
17:28-30. Then pick up your local
paper and read through the adver–
tisement pages for the movies, or go
to the local d rugstore and look at
the books and magazines for sale, or
just look at the people passing by on
the street and see if God's Bible is
the Word for today or not! (Request
our free booklet
Are We Living in the
T he time is now, that time Daniel
sealed up his Boo.k for, the time to
unseal and understand with God's
help what not even Daniel in his
day could understand!
That's enough for one day. Pleas–
ant, or at least exciting, reading to
you. lf any ques tions come to your
mind which you can' t answer for
yourself,just drop usa line. We'd be
glad to help-we've read the Book
befare! We read the Book every
day! And, remember: You read it
Book, the Bible! That's
the Word for today!