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Robert A. GinskeJ
e Jive in a society
eemingly obsessed
th sex. Sex permeates
eh of our radio and
television programming; books,
films, newspapers, and magazines
continually delve into every facet of
this fascinating subject. No doubt
about it: Sex sells.
But what is the origin of sex?
Who- or what - invented it? ·Js sex
the result of evolutionary time and
chance? Of mutated bacteria? Of
lovesick amoeba? Or is sex the prod–
uct of the inventive genius of a Cre–
ator God?
Consider the evolutionary ex-
Male and female created he
them. " An ancient my th pro–
mulgated by primitive peoples
unfamiliar with the eJ,idence for
evolution? Or an inescapable
truth revealed by Scripture and
supported by scientific fact?
planation usually given for the ori–
gin of sex. Based on the fossi l
record, paleontologists believe that
nonsexual methods of reproduction
(such as binary fission) have been
present on earth for sorne 3 billion
years among species like bacteria
and blue-green algae. But sexual re-
production. again according to the
fossil record. has been present for
"only" about 600 million years.
Thus current evolutionary theory
asserts that sexual organisms must
have originally arisen from " primi-
tive" nonsexual creatures, and that
simple sexual organisms in turn
gave rise to more complex sexual
True, it is possible to line up cur–
rently existing organisms and show
an apparent progression from tbe
simple asexual reproduction of an
amoeba to the more complex sexual
PLAIN TRUTH April 1978