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Mean ... .
Do you realize not one in a hundred knows what it is, how to get it, when you receive it?Don't be too sure
you do! Here, once and f or
is the truth made so plain you will real/y understand it!
ould you, yourself, answer
these questions?
asked you to open your
Bible and show him exactly where
the Bible says salvation means go–
ing to heaven, could you do it?
Is salvation a place, a destination,
a condition, a reward-or what? And
where would you turn in your Bible
to find it? Are you sure?
Could you open your Bible and
show a questioner where it tells you
you receive salvation? Do you
actually get it now, or when you die,
or when Christ returns-or at sorne
other time? This article will show
you plainly.
Are you, at conversion, an inher–
itor, or a future heir- and just what
do you inherit?
Religious people talk about "get–
ting saved." Yet even most religious
Herbert W. Armstrong
people understand no more of what
the Bible teaches about salvation–
the real meaning of the word "salva–
tion"-than a certain young roan did
about another religious expression.
He said to me, "I gave my heart
to the Lord at the reviva! meeting
last night."
"Well," l said, "just what do you
mean- you gave your heart to the
Lord? Just how did you do that?
Did you reach in your hand, take
your heart out, and actually hand
to the Lord- and was He really right
there, in person?"
"Well, uh ... uh ... ," he stam–
mered, confused, " uh- well, no 1
didn't do that."
"Then just what did you do? How
did you give your heart to the
Lord?" He stammered sorne more,
then guessed he didn't know.
That's the way it is with a lot of
people who say, "1 got saved." They
don't really know what they mean
by "getting saved."
Do you know what the Bible
teaches about salvation? Millions of
sincere people have supposed they
knew-yet have been deceived into
accepting a false salvation.
I'm going to make it plain-from
your Bible! So prepare yourself for
a shock! And don't believe me-be–
lieve the Bible!
What Salvation Js
While the real truth must come
from the Bible, the dictionary defi–
nition may help a little. Webster de–
fines "salvation" as:
The saving
of roan from the spiritual
quences of sin; especially deliv–
erance from sin and eterna!
PLAIN TRUTH April 1978