Page 3906 - 1970S

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aggie Kuhn, 72-year-o/d
convener of the Gray Pan–
thers, gave her candid and
outspoken views on o/d age at a re–
cent conference on "The Changing
Images of Aging" in Los Angeles.
Plain Truth
writer Caro/e Ritter
was on hand to report. Some find
exhortations and opinions
unsettling. radical, a'nd even outra–
geous, but she epitomizes the new
spirit of the o/d- feisty, honest. and
very much involved in the business
of living.
Maggie Kuhn looks like any–
body's grandmother- all wispy gray
hair and th in knotted hands; tiny.
frail and vulnerable. But the minute
she speaks the illusion is shattered:
Her sirong, sometimes sa lty lan–
guage charges the air with a special
electricity as she rattles off one quot–
able statement after another. With
well-chosen words she builds an un–
answerable case against the in–
justices perpetrated upon the elderly