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Here are scriptures to bajjfe
most professing Christians. How could Christ,
Himself, have been born again- and when?
Herbert W. Armstrong
Wasjesus Christ
ne year ago, in
The Plain TrUih
of February 1977,
appeared an ar–
ticle captioned
"Just What Do
You Mean- Born
Again?" It warned: "Don't be too
sure you kn ow! Many re li gious
people talk about being 'born
again.' who don't really realize wbat
Christ meant by those words.''
That article of a year ago is avail–
able in booklet form-free for the
lmpossible to Belleve?
But how many realize that Jesus
Christ, Himself. was born again...:.
and in the same manner in which
He said we "must be born again"?
Does that seem incredible?
Jusi what did Christ mean, when
He said to Nicodemus, "Except a
man be born again, he cannot see
the Kingdom of God"? The univer–
sally accepted idea of fundamental–
ist Christians is that being "born
again" means the experience of hav–
ing one's sins forgiven. They call it a
"bom-again experience." By it they
mean a sinner being converted- ex–
periencing salvation from sin.
Many fundamentalists will say:
am a sinner born again, and saved
by grace," and similar expressions.
Have these people really been born
again-or have they only been de–
ceived? Have they had the same
"born-again experience" Christ
But wait a minute! Surely that
last sentence can't mean what it
Was Jesus Christ actually born
again? And in the same manner tha t
He taught that we must be born
again? Incredible? Unbelievable?
Was Jesus Christ a sinner-did He
need salvat ion from sin? No! Of
course not! Yet Jesus Christ was
born again- just as He taught that
we must be born again!
I now show you one scripture–
and there wi ll be more later in this
article- but most readers who claim
to have been "born again" will not
believe it, though it is the very Word
of God.
Here it is:
"And we know that all things
work together for good to them that
love God, to them who are the
called according to his purpose. For
whom he did foreknow, he a lso did
predestinate to be conformed to the
image of his Son,
that he might be
the Jirstborn among many brethren"
(Rom. 8:28-29).
Jesus Christ is the firstborn of
brethren. Jesus Ch rist was
born again, and the
of many
brethren to be born again!
Yet that very scripture will not be
believed by many who claim to
have already had a "born-again ex–
Why Many Can't Believe lt!
I am going to give you even plainer
scriptures that say Jesus Christ was
the first to be born again, in the
same manner thal He taught that
we must be born again. Yet many
PLAIN TRUTH March 1978