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America'sNational Goal-Appeasetnent
hat do you believe is the
nationat goal ot the United
States? Today you 'd proba–
hard pul to come up with an
answer. And the reason why is simple:
the United States no longer has a
ctear-cut goal!
But in another sense. the United
States does have a goal-bu! it is the
very worst goal that any country coutd
ever have. That goal is to try to hang
on to what we've got, to enjoyas much
as possible the "pleasant present."
But in the dynamic world of geo–
potitical relationships, to stand still is to
go backward! As a result , the United
States is actually in retreat all around
the world. We want the approval , the
acceptance, the love and approbation
of all nations. We want to be "good
guys," everyone's friend. So we cra–
venly bend over backwards to ap–
pease, to placate, to assuage, to right
every supposed wrong of our national
past-not realizing that by such actions
we earn instead the contempt and
scorn of the wortd.
Now, as a part of this ill -conceived
program of appeasement, the U.S.
government is trying desperately to
give back the Panama Canal , a vitally
strategic waterway which has served
and protected the American people,
and the rest of the free world as well,
for over six decades.
The "gunboat diptomacy" days of
Presiden! Theodore Roosevelt- a time
when the United States had a sense of
purpose and a pride in its power- are
now seen as a black splotch on the
pages of American history, something lo
apotogize for and feel guilty about. Men
who explored, who discovered, who
built nations, who vanquished enemies
are now all viewed as terrible sinners,
whose deeds must be atened for.
Will we end up giving Alaska back to
the Soviets, the Louisiana Purchase to
the French, the American Southwest to
Mexico, the original Thirteen Colonies
lo England? 1mean , this could gel seri–
Another aspect of this program of
placating and mollitying nations is our
disastrous "human rights" offensive. In
an attempt to play the "good guy" in
the eyes of black Africa and the Third
World, we self-righteously indict and
condemn the governments of Rhodesia
and South Africa for their racial pol–
icies. Yet at the same time, in dozens
of other nations throughout Africa,
multiple mill ions of innocent people
suffer and die under the heets of brutal,
bloodthi rsty dictatorships.
But there is no mention in Washing–
ton of the excesses of those govern–
ments; there is no public outcry, there
are no demonstrations, no campus ral–
lies. no calls for sanctions and em–
bargoes, no demands for removal of
press censorship.
ls this a national orientation America
can be proud of? Can we be proud of a
national policy which openly condones
against innocent civilians in southern
Africa and remains si lent on the butch–
ery of perhaps more !han two million
civilians by Communists in Cambodia?
Can we be proud of a nationat poticy
which calls tor an arms embargo
against South Africa. cynically labeting
her a threat to world peace-while at
the same time permitting the training of
Ugandan pilots in the United States.
enabling ldi Amin's butchers to im–
prove their systematic purging of un–
counted tens of thousands of men,
women and children of rivaltribes?
America no longer has a clear-cut
world view. She can no longer distin–
guish between friend and
Alter al l,
our own Presiden! has pronounced
that we have matured so much as a
people that we have shed our "in–
ordinate tear of communism."
As a result of our "maturing ," Wash–
ington will likely never again send U.S.
troops overseas lo die in an attempt lo
say "No Trespassing" lo communism.
Jusi look at what we're doing to South
Korea and Taiwan!
The days are over when the milítary
might of the United States is used to
accomplish what America perceives as
corree! and proper. We do not. in my
opinion, have the courage to carry out
such a daring and sensational exploit
as the Israelí Entebbe rescue, or the
rescue by the German government of
hostages aboard the Lufthansa jet in
America's influence and prestige is
on the rapid decline. The pride of our
power has been broken. The time is
fas t approachi ng when the United
States will be so weak and so fearful of
its own shadow that, as the prophet
Ezekiel predicted, the trumpet will
sound the call to battle, but none shall
answer (Ezek.
We will " flee
when none pursues" (Lev.
lt is time for America lo gel a grip on
itself and acquire a sense of national
purpose- before it's too late!