Page 3838 - 1970S

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US. Ally To BeAbandoned?
Gene H. Hogberg
Keith W. Stump
In the eyes of many of the 16 miIl ion Chinese
living on Taiwan, the handwriting is on the
wall. T he months and years ahead a re to be
filled with increased anxie ty and conce rn over the futu re
of their prosperous island republic, which líes just one
hundred miles off the coast of Communist mainland China.
The reason fo r th e ir conce rn is obv io us. T he U nited
States has emba rked upo n a c lea r course to come to
complete terms with the government of th e People's Re-
pubtic in Peking, bitte r foe of the Nat iona líst
government which has controlled T a iwan and
a few offshore islands since being driven into
Nationalist China, long a faithful aUy of the United S tates, stands as the chief
obstacle in Washington's drive for closer relations with Communist China. Will
America cut the last links to Taiwan? lfso, a political whirlwind may sweep Asia.