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• Jesus was an only child
• He was born on Christmas eve
• He was a poor vagabond
• He had long hair
• He carne to save the whole world
at that time
• He died of a broken heart
• He was crucified on Good
Friday and resurrected on Easter
Sunday morning
A ll
of the above statements are false.
A Shocking? Surprising? Goes against
everything you've always been taught
tion and myth-to uncover the facts and
present them to the world just the way
they are in the gospel accounts in your
about Christ? Well, it's
true-most of what pro–
fessing Christianity be–
lieves about Jesus
Christ of Nazareth just
isn't in your Bible!
But at last someone has
dared to ignore tradi-
New Testament. lf you'd
like to know the truth
about your Savior-the
way He really was–
The Real
by Garner Ted Arm–
strong. lt's ata leading
bookstore near you .
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