aking resolutions-especially at this time of year-is
easy. lt's keeping them that is the problem.
lt doesn 't have to be New Year's Eve. Every day is a new
day. And make an easy one. Don't be so hard on yourself
and set such standards you will never accomplish any–
thing. Don't try to change yourself overnight. Think small–
but above all ACT! One small change could change your
whole life!
How about: " 1resolve to read the Bible a little bit every
day." Begin with Genesis, that's the first page, and it even
means "beginning."
How about: "1 resolve not to watch television more than
three hours a day." That ought to be easier than you
think-and think of the time it will free up for
thing you 've wanted to for so long. At least resolve not to
believe 90 plus percent of what you see on the thing.
How about: " 1 resolve to eat natural foods and get off
the junk food kick! " lt's cheaper, tastes better, makes you
healthier and cuts down on doctor bilis.
How about: "1 resolve to tell my wife (husband) llove her
(him) at least once a month-and give the kids a hug (while
they' re not watching TV)! ' '
We've got sorne little booklets that would help on these
and many other resolutions. The titles:
Read the Book,
Managing Your Personal Finances, Your Marriage Can Be
Principies of Healthful Living.
Resolve to write
or all ; they' re free. Why not?
(Continuedfrom page 3)
every hand the final fruitage of
men's ways. Written in unerasable
blood, in human misery, anguish
and despair is the six-thousand-year
record of experience!
Even now men will not heed this
horrible lesson- not until they are
forced to see it!
But, as Sa tan's sixth "working day"
closes, God is about to step in a nd
supernaturally interfere!
The coming seventh millennium–
typified by the FeastofTabernacles–
s hall see Satan restrained. Christ will
return to rule the earth with all the
power ofGod .God'sneworder forthe
next thousand years will restore
peace, happiness, and joy.
Theo men may look back over
this present world, and compare!
Never will God force a single
human being, against his own will ,
into salva tion and eternallife.
But, with the seven-thousand–
year record of experience set plainly
before seeing eyes, do you think
anyone will want to return to these
ways we seem now to love? Not
many, you may be sure of tha t! Ye t
sorne, even then, will rebel.
Fina lly the world shall acknowl–
edge, of its own free volition, tha t
God's ways a re right. Christ, says
the scripture, " learned obedience by
the things which he sulfered" (Heb.
5:8-9.) Even He who never did
wrong! "And being made perfect"–
through experience-"he became
the author of eterna! salvation unto
a ll them that obey him."
Sorne day we shall look upon
God's plan with breathtaking admi–
ration and awe! The sulfering of this
present time shall have faded com–
pletely from mind. The lessons of
experience we shall have with us for
eternity! Finally humanity shall ac–
cept God 's ways of life, knowing
that they are right ways. The happi–
ness and joy we shalJ then experi–
ence cannot be conceived by our
minds today! Through all eternity
we sha ll worship and pra ise the
Eterna! God for His wisdom, His
merey, His love!
Do you think anyone, then, will
look back and say, " God isn ' t
fair"? O
PLAIN TRUTH January 1978