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Ponce de León in search offountain ofyouth.
words that
have spoken to you are
0 spirit and life" (verse 63, RSV).
Man has always been pre–
occupied with the
aspects of
religious worship. The woman at the
well pointed out to Christ that her
ancestors had worshiped God at
Mount Gerizim in Samaria. She er–
roneously thought that Jesus strictly
enjoined worship only at the
Temple in Jerusalem. He corrected
her misassumption: "Jesus said to
her, 'Woman, believe me, the hour
is coming when neither on this
moun tain [Gerizim] nor in Jerusa–
lem will you worship the Father. ...
But the hour is coming, and now is,
when the true worshipers will wor–
ship the Father
in spirit and truth,
for such the Father seeks to worship
PLAIN TRUTH January 1978
God is spirit,
and those who
worship him must worship in spirit
and truth'" (John 4:21-24, RSV).
Jesus later explained that the
seeds of this permanent spirit life
may be sown in the flesh
said: "Truly, truly, I say to you. he
who hears my word and believes
him who sent me, has eternal life ;
he does not come into j udgment,
has passed f rom death to lije"
(John 5:24, RSV).
Permanent spirit life residing in
the flesh cannot be tested by the five
senses of roan. It is an ingredient
that is totally spiri tual- yet totally
real. It is the germ of immortality. It
is the Holy Spirit ofGod.
I t cannot be bought with money.
is truly priceless. God offers it free
of cbarge through Jesus Christ. "Ho,
every one who thirsts, come to the
waters; and he who has no money,
come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine
and milk without money and with–
out price" (lsa. 55: 1).
Those interested in pursuing a lur–
ther study of the religio-philosophical
aspects of immortality may write lor the
following free brochures:
Why Were You Born?
Just What Do You Mean- Born
When a Man From Space Visited
How You Can Be lmbued With
the Power of God
See the inside front cover for the
address of our office nearest you.