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say? Number one, 1 bet you could if
you tried. And number two, if you
don't like the one you have, get one
you do. Oh, yes you can! But be
careful with this.
n.umber one
Work and labor, of course, are
not confined to the on-the-job,
money-earning time we invest. Thc
actual definition of work is "moving
an object a distance."
Let's face it, just getting out of
bed in the first place is work (espe–
cially ifyour sleep-investment didn' t
pay off!) .
A little time invested at work
around home might well
more money than an entire work–
day's time might
you. Remem–
ber, "Procrastination is the thief of
time." "Do it Now" is a good
motto- but also remember, "Haste
makes waste." That's why planning
is important. Use your mind, your
wisdom to determine which "it"
needs doing "Now." But at least
Watch out though- because ifyou
go to work with your new attitude
on your new day, your boss may
think you've fi ipped your lid, or
you ' re sick, or you're scheming to
· get something. Don't worry about it
though ; just grin and bear it! If he
makes water, you make like a duck,
and Jet it pour harmlessly off your
back. Try it; you'Ulike it!
Eat, Drink and
Now, what's so bad about that?!
You have to inves t
time in
eating- why not enjoy it? Jf you
you won't enjoy it. Just so
much time
no investment.
You are what you eat, so eat better
and be better. From what I see of
the TV ads , most people must be
"waisting" their time, beGause relief,
offered for sale, from stomach, head
and bowel aches seems to pre–
dominate !
Invest sorne time and find out
what kind of foods are bes t for you.
The ones that taste good and
for you. No wasted time and
no sutfering time afterward. ENJOY!
Drink is okay? That's what the–
Good Book says! Sorry about that
(not really, of course!). If you think
"drink" just means water and grape
PLAIN TRUTH Oecember 1977
juice, you need to invest more time
reading the Book! "Wine makes the
Solomon says.
says; remember He put that in His
Book.) "Take a little wine for your
stomach's sake,'' Paul advises Tim–
othy- not aspirin bicarbonates,
painkillers and tranquilizers (which
all cut down on the quality of life),
but WINE. Invest sorne time and pick
But don't overdrink, or get drunk.
That's a waste of time.
takes too
long to get that way; you can't re–
member how you were when you
were that way, and afterwards it
takes too long, sick and sorry, to
sober up so you can invest sorne
new time properly!
Beer is good too. After all, all of
the wells in the Old Testament are
called "Beer-something-or-other."
("It's the water," you know! - that's
a joke, by the way.) Be sure you pick
a good one. ENJOY!
Believe it or not , God even rec–
ommends a
"strong drink"–
during His Holy Days, no less!
(Deut. 14:26- read it and weep,
WCTU!) And coupled with that
God says: "Rejoice"!
. . .
Be Merry
1 heard a man say one time, "This
steak tastes so good I'm afraid God
is going to find out- and forbid it!"
What an opinion of our loving Cre–
Did God make a
He made steak? Back to the Book if
you think so- invest more time. Afid
who made taste buds anyway? God
could have created us so we had to
eat skunk-smelling slime to live-if
He had been a sadist! But thank
God, God is not like many people
think He is. He's really nice! We
don' t see in black and white, like
many animals. We see in living
color- and we did even before color
God is not against fun - He in–
vented it! "ENJOY!" " Be merry!"
"Rejoice!" God
Our ears are capable of listening
to a wide range of sounds, pleasant
and unpleasant. You take your pick.
Deafen yourself with 140 decibels of
sound if you want, but when you
can't hear things you'd like to after
that , don't blame God. You just
spent time, didn' t invest it!
Touch. That's another goodie.
We're so out of touch in this uncom–
fortable concrete-steel-glass world
we've imprisoned ourselves in ,
we've lost a good deal of the won–
derful sense of touch God gave us.
Velvet or plastic, take your pick.
H ug your children. Touch your wi(e,
your husband. Feel plants, trees,
animals-get texture in your life!
Smell! That word usually carries
a bad connotation. But it need not.
That 's just our natural negative
bent. (Ever notice how most people
refer to traffic signals as "stoplights"
wühout recognizing they are a lso
lights"?!) Learn to smell again.
Smell fresh air- you may have to
invest sorne time getting there.
Smell flowers, food and fawns.
Sm!!ll the family- if you don't like
it, have them invest sorne time in
soap and water!
Solomon says, "The eye is never
filled with seeing, and the ear is
never filled with hearing." He might
have added insatiable taste and
touch and never fiUed nostrils.
Think about it. That's good news.
What if you had a quota on all
those senses? After so long, your
eyes and ears would be full and
you'd be blind and deaf. Your nose
would plug up and you'd die! Then,
forget the rest.
All that above is what we call
"recreation." Invest a proper
amount of time. ENJOY! Be merry!
God commands it !
lnvest sorne time in learning. It's
more fun than you think. No, you
too old to learn! That's a
myth. Take sorne time away from
what you waste on TV and invest it
in learning. Surely there is
you'd like to know- unless you
know it all!
Learn to think, fo r instance.
Study, both secular and biblical,
makes a good time-investment.
Prayer is time well invested. Try
it-you' lllike
Meditate, roll over the day's
events in your mind and plan how
to invest better tomorrow.