Page 3751 - 1970S

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ou'd think the older generation would be grateful to see a little
short hair for a change. But green and pink crew cuts combed
into spikes? Pierced noses embellished with gold safety pins?
Tattered T-shirts and stencilled swastikas?
The wardrobe of the new wave of youthful music/ protest
(dubbed "punk" or "punk rock") includes all the above para–
phernalia, plus a wide array of accessories specially designed lo
shock, alienale, or "gross out" establishment types: iron crosses,
chains, smel ly tennis shoes, garter bells, knives, and various
other'more X-rated accoutrements.
And if people don't find punk looks repulsive enough, punk
antics include spitting, vomiting, using vibrators onstage, hurl–
ing insults al audiences, and screaming out a gul-wrenching
brand of elemental rock consisling more of overwhelming
noise lhan music.
The punk movemenl began in Britain among jobless
working-class youlhs
frustrated by an aim–
less lifestyle. Devotees
display a great deal of
inward-directed vio–
lence. They pierce
lips, ears and noses
wilh safety pins
joined by chains.
Punk-rock perform–
ers have in therr
more outlandish
moments slashed
themselves wilh
needles, burned
themselves with
cigarettes, and bashed
their hands into guitars onstage.
Therr personallife-styles reflect a similar attitude. Concerned
mostly with "getting it on"- behaving promiscuously- they
throw most convention and order out the window.
Politically, of course, they are devoted to anarchy- deposing
the monarchy, smashing the establishment, ignoring all authority.