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(Continued from page 3)
and this mighty Word is the person–
age who, much later, became Jesus
Christ (John 1: 14). They were of
complete togetherness of mind, in–
tent, and purpose. l t was through
the Word as actual Maker that God
created the angels.
Supreme Purpose
Now the tremendous supremacy of
mind possessed by these two great
God-beings (for the Word was a1so
.God) was exhibited at this point.
They had in mind a tremendous ob–
jective for the ange1s- a purpose su–
preme. This required the creation of
a new substance, MATTER, which
comprises the wbole vast physical
So now we come to Genesis 1: l.
Genesis originally was written by
Moses, as God inspired him. The
word translated into the English
word "God" lhere was
the Hebrew in which Moses wrole
it-a uniplural name such as "fam–
ily," "church," or "team"- MORE
than one person forming
FAMILY ; more than one person, but
single CHURCH; more than
one player, bul forming
TEAM. There is but ONE God, but
God is composed of more than one
person and includes the Word, who
also was "God" (John 1: 1).
So the uniplural Goo now cre–
a ted the en tire physical universe–
including lhis earth. The Hebrew
words imply a perfect creation. The
angels shouted for joy because it
was to be lheir abode (Job 38: 1-7).
Now in matter are many proper–
ties- gravily, force and energy,
power. electricity- the properties
known to physicists and chemists.
Jusl as the creation of angels was
not completed al! at once, but in two
stages- the second being the devel–
opment of character, whether good
or evil- so with the earth and al!
planets. God purposed that the an–
gels utilize the raw materials and
the many properties within the mat–
ter of the earth to COMPLETE its cre–
ation- for God is the author of
beauty. harmony. peace, joy, per–
fection , and glory.
God gave them this assignment,
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1977
this WORK to do, plus the devel–
opment of their finished character–
either good or evil, as
chose- to
creation. Bul their
mission on earth required them to
work together in peace, harmony,
oneness of purpose.
That is to say, it necessita ted the
government of God
over them. The
government of God is a WAY OF
is the way that develops
righteous , holy, perfect character.
is the way that produces peace, har–
mony, happiness, joy, abundance. It
is the way of LOVE. And !ove is al–
ways outgoing, never incoming. It is
!ove to God in implicit
adulation, worship, re1iance, and
faith - knowing God Himself
is the way of giving, serv–
ing, helping, sharing- always out–
So God established on earth a
throne to adminisler His govern–
ment. On it , He placed a super–
archangel named LUCIFER (Isa.
14: 12-13). This great Lucifer (the
name means "shining star of the
dawn," or "bringer of Light and
truth") was perfect as created. Next
to God. this superangel was the
most powerful and most mighty
being that was possible for God
create. He was
in all his ways
until iniquity (lawlessness) was
found of his own free choice in him
(Ezek. 28: 15).
Rebellion of the Angels
This Lucifer led his angels (one–
third of all the angels- and it is pos–
sible that it was this same third of
all that populated the earth under
Lucifer) into SIN- transgression of
the laws of God's government.
Thus the angels SINNED (11 Pet.
2:4). They rebelled against God's
way. They deliberately formed
within themselves
evil character.
They turned from God's govern–
ment to vanity, lust and greed; jeal–
ousy and envy; competi tion leading
to strife, violence, war. They re–
sented any rule over them. They
wanted to choose
lheir own way,
God's way.
Thus the governmenl of God was
rejected, removed from the earth!
The crealion of the angels was now
They had formed evil
character. The angels became
(Continued on page 42)
(Continued from page
the authority . lhal you look to for
everything in your life.
You will be overcoming your own
human nature and the world, resist–
ing Satan, drawing nearer lo God
by constant daily Bible study and by
prayer, and by occasional fa sting
and prayer.
is the Christian life.
It's lhe
abundan/ liJe.
ll's yours for lhe asking. lt's yours
for lhe willingness lo confess your
sins to God and lo repenl of break–
ing His laws. It's yours if you're will–
ing to oo what He says.
(Continued from page
Brían Sutton-Smilh. a devel–
opmenlal psychologisl and chíl–
dren's play aulhoríly, sces global
implications in the games people
play. " Survival of our civilizalion,"
he says, " may well depend on the
leadership of more and more people
with a more highly developc::d sense
of play."
We can pul compelilion into per–
speclive íf we remember that it's no t
whal Johnny does lo the ball lha l
counts. Ralher, it's whal the ball
does lo Johnny. The game must
never be a llowed to become more
imporlanl than the player. Winning
only thing.
Yes, Joh nny does need to win.
But he needs lo win more than med–
als and trophics- more lhan doling
and fawning on lhe part of coaches,
parents. and peers. Johnny needs
somehow lOwin self-confidence a nd
self-respect. He deserves warm ac–
ceplance for having done his best.
no matte r what the scoreboard
Every Johnny
become a
winner. He can if he gets guidance
and good examples from caring
adults- adu lts who can teach him
lose without bitterness and to wín
with grace and compassion.
Edward R. Walsh is director of
recreation for Westbury Village,
New York , where he also
teaches and writes.