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weird and possessed look. Now send
your little subjuveni les out for their
once-a-year lesson in total delinquency
to pillage, extort and vandalize. Don't
worry-most laws are suspended for this
harmless practice because it's a "Christian" reli–
gious holiday: All Saints' Day!
But don't send them out during the day , be–
cause, as we all know, Satan is the Prince of
Oarkness and the Devil does his best work un–
der cover of the night. Also, it would be a good
idea to go along as a bodyguard , because there
are sorne intolerant adults who like to retaliate
against this mayhem by slipping razor blades into
apples, LSD into candy, or just scare the blazes out of
the youngsters when they come "trick-or-treating."
Halloween was "baptized" in "Christianity" in
' about A.D. 834, but all the practices, including the
1 '
"protection" money and gifts of food, were observed
, by many different pagan cultures long, long before
' the word "Christian" was ever coined.
Ignore that command from God in the Old Testa-
ment which says: "Take heed to thyself that
thou .. . inquire not atter their gods, saying, How did
these nations serve their gods? even so will
likewise. Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God:
for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth,
have they done unto their gods ..."! (Deut. 12:30-
31.) And, because Halloween has a completely pagan
foundation, you will also have to ignore that New
Testament statement: "For other foundation can no
man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ"
Cor. 3:11 ). Fact is, why not join the kids? You
could do more damage, have more fun-and it wou ld
be more in keeping with the ancient pagan practice!
Or ...
hades of Samhain-Lord of the Dead! By good
old Druid reckoning, here we are at that time of
year again. Dress your little kiddies up in the
most demon-inspired outfits possible: witches, ghosts
(unholy), skeletons, ghouls, black cats (they make the
best mediums), monsters of every description (a mod–
ern touch), or any animal costume will do if it has a
You could recognize Halloween for what it is, have
just as much fun teaching your kids where it carne
from (request our free reprint article "Why the
Strange Customs of Halloween?"), and maybe even
"treat " a neighbor kid to a little intellectual enlight-
enment on this dark night of Satanism.
Just a "harmless day (night) for the kids to have a
little fun"? Why not take the opportunity to explain
that in ordered society vandalism is not "fun." That
extortion (trick or treat) should be left to the Mafia
and / or the politicians. That the Oevil and his demons
don't have to be bought off with candy and scare
tactics, but that God is alive and in control, and the
mere name of Jesus Christ is sufficient protection
from the dangers of demonism.
Exorcise Halloween-why not?