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Do you know how to live fully-abundantly? In thls article you wi/1 learn how
you may taste the joys of real abundant living.
Herbert W. Armstrong
Real Abundant Living
hy do rel igious
people often seem to
el that their reügious
must be one of giv–
ing up all the fun and the enjoy–
ment of living- that in order to
please God, they must endure a life
of morbid gloom?
Sin to many of these people con–
sists of things that many other
people consider to be most desir–
able. To them, sin is going contrary
to a number of "don'ts." "Don't
smoke." "Don't dance." "Don't play
cards." "Don' t go to the theater."
"Don't ever touch a drop of alco–
holic beverage." "Don't do this! "
"Don't do that!"
What's Wrong Wlth Rellglon?
A prominent lawyer's wife once said
to me, "1 couldn't ever become a
Ch ristian. Why, if
had to give up
smoking, dancing, card playing, the
theater, and all the pleasures of life,
what would there be left to live for
A world-famous phi losopher, edi–
tor, and lecturer whom 1 knew-and
who also had no use for religion–
said that he did not desire to be
repressed or to live a life of painful
penance. "1 desire," he said, "to be
radiant, cheerful, friendly , and to
meet people with a smile."
Apparently he assumed that such
a happy life could not be a religious
But strangely, none of these
Very few have ever found or
tasted the true abundant life.
Now the Creator, wbo gives you
the breath that you breathe, does
Mr. Arm–
strong's series ofarticles on hea/–
ing is being temporarily
discontinued with this issue. /t
may resume at a later time. In
this issue we are reprinting one of
his earlier articles which has
proven very popular over the
years. We hope you enjoy "This
is the Life!- Real Abundant Liv–
ing." It is available in reprint
not desire for you to live an empty,
depressed, or an unhappy Jife. You
never please the Eternal by giving
up happiness or anything that is
good for you.
God Almighty has never given
you a single "don't," except those
things that are going to harm you,
tear you down, bring on unhappi–
ness later. Oh, of course, sorne of
these things give you a thrill , or a
little kick out oflife temporarily, but
there is always a boomerang. They
exact a great penalty later, and the
price is too high.
isn't good busi–
God forbids those things that are
bad for us, the things that are going
to bring on unhappiness, and bring
on a Jife of emptiness and gloom.
But never does God Almighty for–
bid one single thing th at is for your
happiness, your welfare, your real
I'm reminded of an elderly man
who was of the "shouting kind" of
religion. He rose up one time in a
church meeting and he shouted out
a question to those assemb!ed. He
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1977