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Some people have fa/se/y assumed that most bíblica/ prophecies are mere/y dire, doomsdayish
foretellings of catastrophic events of the wrathful vengeance of a harsh God who is about to
descend with terrible fury upon His hapless subjects here below. But this is far from the real truth.
Many of the prophecies torete// a time of peace, of happiness, of restoration, of joy, of great
prosperity and physical wealth. U/timate/y, the bíblica/ message is one of lasting peace, right
rulership, and radiant health foral/ races and nations around the world.
is a globe-girdling
gospel. lt announces the way to world peace and harmony; the way to end al/ famines, wars and
terrorism. lt is a message of firm hope in an age of utter hopelessness.
have both good news
and bad news. The
good news is that the
gloomy predictions of an ul–
timate doomsday-the ex–
tinction of all human lite
from this earth-are
going to happen. And that
Garner Ted Armstrong
news of a soon-coming, peaceful and happy world
tomorrow. In a world living under the shadow of
the bomb, 1can't give you any better news than
that. But 1would be less than honest with you-in
reality totally dishonest-if 1tried to hide the fact that
we are edging ever closer to the brink of the
disintegration of this present society. The signs of
~ ~
future breakdown, disorder, violence and utter be-
is because there is a
great news source
which reveals a gi–
wilderment are all around us if we have the
wit to see them. Yet in the spirit of what Jesus
Christ of Nazareth said to the seven churches
master plan
for a world su–
per-government. That major world
in Asia Minor, 1will give you the good news
Millions of professing Christians simply do not think of
Jesus as a prophet ora newscaster of future
news source, which
world leaders and
scientists have over–
looked and left out
world events. Yet the very tirst verse of the
book of Revelation states: "The revelation of
Jesus Christ. which God gave him to show
of the picture completely, re–
ports tomorrow's news today-
to his seNants
what must soon take place.... "
the One who is generally acknowledged in all of Chris-