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we believe we were put here on
earth for the purpose of being oblit–
erated in a final
of human–
What, then, oo we believe? Noth–
ing is so importan! for you to read
and KNOW! What oo we proclaim–
yes, even to kings, emperors, presi–
dents, prime ministers; to educators,
men at the top of their professions,
heads of commerce and industry; to
common people all around the
This we know! We live in an un–
happy world. Over 50 percent of
mankind is illiterate or nearly so.
Over 50 percent of all humans are
living in or close to abject poverty,
filth and squalor. We live in a world
filled with violence. All is com–
petition, strife, trouble.
We recognize the conditions
a round us. The heads of state, the
great and the near-great
a round the world, know of the prob–
lems- problems greater than human
minds can solve. They listen to me–
and they do not listen to a forecast
but of
and of
more certain than either life or
is a ll outlined in biblical proph–
ecy- the causes of today 's world
conditions and where we are going
from here! And
is NOT DOOM! Not
for humanity!
But if we begin to learn what the
reveal- what the wonder–
ful. almost incredible
human poten–
really is - by starting with
today's conditions, it is like tuning
in on a movie or entering a theater
about ten or fifteen minutes befa re
the end of a one-and-a-half or two–
hour show. Not knowing what went
before- what led up to the present
conditions- one is only confused,
A Jlgsaw Puzzle
The human body has a skele tal
structure that supports the enti re
body- yet we don't see it. lt's cov–
ered up. Every modero skyscraper
has a skeletal framework of stee l
and concrete, erected first, but cov–
ered completely in the finished
In a sense not many realize,
Bible is like that.
The real basic
structure that holds
all together
The PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1977
has been overlooked, glossed over,
or else deliberately rejected and left
out of just about all religious teach–
ing. It starts with prehistory and
leads to the present.
reveals pur–
poses, causes, beginnings- the MAS–
TER PLAN-and the way it is going to
in world peace, happiness, joy,
universal abundance! But it is like a
jigsaw puzzle which must be assem–
bled piece by biblical piece ("here a
little, there a little" (lsa. 28: 13] ).
is the "doom" we proclaim–
the doom of aH that stands in the
way of that final happy world-the
doom of all misery. sutfering, un–
But science has never discovered
this basic truth. Religion has glossed
over and failed to reveal it, though
it's plain in the Bible. Education ig–
nores it- because education doesn't
know it. Education is in ignorance
of it.
Jesus Christ carne and proclaimed
it-announced it (it is yet to come)–
but , of the thousands upon thou–
sands who heard His gospel mes–
sage , only 120 believed it (Acts
1: 15). And since befa re A.D. 70,
has been entirely
l :6-7). God told it in person to
Adam and Eve (Genesis 2), but they
didn't believe what their Creator
told them!
Would yo u believe it , even
though God Almighty or Jesus
Christ in· person came a nd an–
nounced it today?
In the Beglnnlng
1'11 give you the briefest summary.
You may believe it or no t- but it is
NOT a forecast of DOOM for man–
kind, but the very fa rthes t you can
possibly get from that. And be lieve
it or not, it is TRUE!
In briefest synopsis, here is what
religion has glossed over; science
has never discovered; education, in
ignorance, fails to teach.
The real beginning of the Bible is
NOT Genesis l : l , but in the New
Testament, John l : l -4.
In the beginning existed two all–
knowing, all-powerful, a ll-perfect
Superbeings. Each possessed su–
preme MINO and CREATIVE power.
One is called "the WoRo." Tbe
other, superior only in authority, is
called "Goo." But the Word, it
states, was also Goo- though a sep-
arate personage. Garner Ted is also
Armstrong, though a different and
separa te person from me.
There existed at first
two Superbeings- no matter, no
other beings or life forros, no physi–
cal universe.
supreme accomplishment
and the supreme achieve–
ment of creation is righteous, holy,
perfect character. They thought ;
they planned- for how long we do
not know. ages perhaps. Being com–
posed themselves of spirit, their first
creative undertaking was to create
angels- also
spi rit beings, somewhat
like , yet somewhat lesser, than
themselves. The Creator, of neces–
si ty, automatically remains greater
than what He creates.
But the big problem, and the re–
fore the chief objective, was the cre–
atíon of righteous, holy and perfect
within these angel beings.
And this. these two supreme Beings
knew, could not be done automat i–
cally and instantaneously by fiat–
else the crea ted beings would be
no thing more than mindless auto–
matons, like man-made machines
that must perform as their maker
designed and
set them
to perform,
with no mind, reasoning power,
thought or decision-making power
of their own.
Therefore this character (whether
good or evil) must be developed in
separate enti ties possessing thought
processes and minds able to think,
to know, to reason, to make inde–
pendent conclusions and choices.
And that risked development of
character. Actually, this righteous,
holy and perfect character must of
necessity come
tbe origina l
perfect Beings, ye t as a result of the
thinking, reasoning, knowing, and
actual choice and desire of the re–
That process required
thought a nd planning stage, prior to
any actual creation, required time.
Aeons of time could have gone by–
perhaps hundreds, perhaps billions,
Remember God was supreme in
authority , yet He and the Word
were in a ll o ther respects equal. In
mind they were in complete har–
mony and agreement. God created
all things by and through the Word,
(Continued on page 33)