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Garner Ted Armstrong
What the Bible Real/y Says
About "Gays"
tour, six, eight! Gay is
just as good as straight!"
chant militant gays on the
warpath for full legal acceptance of
their life-style. Sorne
carry placards declaring , "God
Laves Gays," and claim the gay
life-style is neither deviant nor im–
moral. One gay activist recently
said it was all right to be a "gay
Christian" because Jesus Himself
never spoke out against homosex–
While most churches and pastors
still hold to the opinion that homo–
sexual ity is a sin and offense
against God and society, growing
numbers of clerics feel " new in–
sights" might compel a reexam–
ination of this view. A Jesuit priest,
speaking at a recent conference on
the church and the homosexual ,
said: " There is no clear con–
demnation of the homosexual
condition, and no universal con–
demnation of homosexual activity
to be found anywhere in the Bible."
Another priest, an admitted homo–
sexual, said on another occasion:
" 1 see my homosexuality as a gift
from God.''
lt makes one wonder how long
it's been since these " men of the
cloth" last opened a Bible. To any–
one who can read and understand
simple language, the real truth
about "gay rights" is clearly and
unmistakably revealed in the in–
spired scriptures of both the Old
and New Testaments.
The judgment against the gay so–
cieties of Sodom and Gomorrah
(Genes is
is a clear con–
demnation of homosexuality. Other
judgments against the abomination
of " mankind lying with mankind as
womankind" are abundantly clear
throughout the pages of the Old
Testament (see Leviticus
14:24; 15:12; 22:46;
11 Kings
The New
estament is no less
explicit in its judgment: " Be not
deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
nate, nor abusers ot themselves
with manki nd
. . . shall inherit the kingdom of
God" (1 Cor.
6:9-1 O).
In the first chapter of Romans,
the apostle Paul explains that when
nations turn away from God, many
of their inhabitants are given up to
what he labels
" vi/e
affections. " As
has happened so often in the past
to sin-ridden societies, "women ex–
changed their natural function for
an unnatural and abnormal one,"
being consumed with lust for their
own sex (verse
The Amplified
"And likewise also the men,
leaving the natural use of the
woman [meaning heterosexual rela–
tions], burned in their lust one
toward another; men with men
working that whi ch is un–
seemly .. .' ' (verse
The result? They " suffer[ed] in
their own bodies and personalities
the inevitable consequences ... of
their wrong doing ..."
(The Ampli–
fied Bible).
Those consequences
are not only a whole host of mental
and emotional problems, but hide–
ous venereal diseases as well .
So what is God ' s judgment
against homosexual ity? Verse
" .. . They which commit such
things are
worthy of death. ..."
But the Bible also says that Christ
died for sinners-gays included. He
died in arder to bring them to re–
pentance of their sins and give
them the spiritual power to change
their perverted life-style and sub–
stitute for it a right way of lite, a new
lite in Jesus Christ.
But most gays are not going that
route today. lnstead, they rational–
ize and justify their continued wal–
lowing in perversion. Today the gay
community is coming out of the
closet in mi litant action to demand
its "rights." And if they succeed in
forcing laws to be passed forbid–
ding all discrimination based on
sexual preference or life-style, then
there will be no stopping this or any
other form of sexual deviancy. What
an awesome effect that will have on
our children and on the very fabric
of our society.
When will we learn that our so–
ciety cannot cure its social sick–
nesses by legalizing them?
Do we think God is going to bless
us for our cont inuing moral tobog–
gan slide into sexual licentious–
ness? Wi ll our " new Sodom"
escape its fiery date with death at
the hand of God any more than its
ancient namesake did?
God created mankind for a fan–
tastic purpose. He made us male
and female and instituted the God–
plane relationship of marriage (Gen.
2:18, 24;
The God–
ordained family unit is the basic
building block of a strong society.
Homosexuality is a grave distortion
and perversion of the righteous
spiritual character God wants man–
kind to develop.
You need toread our free booklet
Sex Sin?
to understand the pur–
pose of life and what God says
mankind ' s
" rights. "
PLAIN TRUTH August-September 1977