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dented catastrophes infticted by its
human occupants- a charred relic of
its former self, an inhospitable envi–
ronment with death threatening on
every side.
is mankind's last gasp, and Jesus
intervenes. He resurrects the "dead
in Christ" (including Moses, of
course!) and with them chaoges
those few true followers of His still
living, in a moment and a twinkling
of an eye, into
sons of God1
He es–
tablishes His Kingdom here on
earth and immediately begins a
cleanup program overwhelming and
unprecedented in history- and all
those sons joining His family-king–
dom are going to be
All life will have to be restored to
the waters of the earth! (Read about
it in Ezekiel 47.) Would you like to
Trees will have to be planted by
the billions! (Read about it in Isa iah
41 .) Would you like to help?
Thousands of cities will have to
be rebuilt! (Look that one up your–
self: there are dozens of accounts of
it in the Bible.) Would you like to
Great highways will have to be
built. (Read about it in lsaiah 19.)
Would you like to help?
Every nation will have to be
reeducated in the ways of peace,
health, prosperity; have to be posi–
not to go to war any–
more. (Read about it in Isaiah 2 and
Micah 4.) Would you like to help?
The deserts will be made to
bloom; the total ecology of an abun–
dantly productive earth restored.
Would you Like to help?
For a thousand years the sons of
God of the first resurrection will
have the opportunity to help hu–
manity as it has never been belped
before, to heal the earth scarred by
so many thousands of years of
human neglect and rapine, to assist
in the establishment and adminis–
tration of the Kingdom of
God- on
Then there are all the dead of
past generations, to rise physically
(Ezekiel 37)- fifty, one hundred bil–
lion?- and you can help in bringing
to them, for the
time, the only
name by which they can be saved :
Jesus Christ. You can help reedu-
PLAIN TRUTH August-September 19?7
cate them, inviting them into the
same God family you may be a
member of. Would you like to help?
Unbelievably, beyond that, God
the Father comes to earth (re¡ld that
in Revelation 2 1- a little different
from doctrine you may have heard)
and tells all His sons, "Behold, I
things new"!
A vast, possibly unending, uní–
verse líes beyond this globe- and
God says of His Kingdom: "Of the
of his government and
peace there shall be no end .. . to
order it, and to establish it with
judgmeot and with justice from
henceforth even for ever. The zeal
of the Lord of hosts will perform
this" (Isa. 9: 7).
That leaves an open-ended, ever
busy, challenging, exciting eternity
before us all!
Sorry: no harps, no clouds, no
golden slippers- but when you're
God's son, I think you can have
them ... ifyou want.
Two Prophets-Same Tale
Moses, friend of God, servant of
Christ, merciful to the point of hav–
ing his own name erased from the
book of life if it would have helped
th e rest of his nation ; Moses,
whom the law was given
(but it was God's law), maligned
and misunderstood in his heavy role
as chief executive in the administra–
tion of death, will be very much
present and busy in that Kingdom,
as witnessed by his transfiguration
on the mount.
And of Jesus, Son of God,
Spokesman, Logos, Savior and cer–
tainly Prophet, Moses said: "The
Lord thy God will raise up unto
thee a Prophet from the midst of
thee, of thy brethren [Israel),
unto me;
unto him
ye sha/1 hearken"
(Deut. 18:15). And God Himself is
quoted as agreeing with that state–
ment. The fact is, Moses was only
passing on what he had heard from
God (see verse 18)!
Jesus and Moses:
lovers of law- and of the people.
Both working toward that same
Kingdom. Can two walk together
unless they agree?
Be then!- and as a son of God,
share friendship with both Moses
and Jesus eternally!
Many hundreds have wrinen
asking if we have representatives
in their local areas to counsel
with them personally and to an–
swer their questions.
The answer is yes, we
The Worldwide Church
stations personal representatives
(most are ordained ministers) in
the Unlted States and many
other areas of the world. These
local ministers will visit you, if
invited, directly in your own
So if you have spiritual maners
to dlscuss or questions to ask
about biblical topics such as re–
pentance, baptlsm. etc., please
teel free to write to us and
request a prívate appointment.
Worfdwide mailing addresses and
phone numbers are as tollows:
• United States: P.O. Box 111,
Pasadena. Celifornia 91123
simply dial this toll-free
number in the continental
U.S.: 1-800-423-4444. Read–
ers in California, Alaska and
Hawaii may can 213-577-5225
• lklited Kingdom. Europe, India
and Africa: P.O. Box 111 , St.
Albans, Herts., England (Or
dial this number in U.K. : Rad–
76] 2670.)
• New Zealand and Pacific lsles:
P.O. Box 2709, Aucklánd 1,
New Zealand
dial Auck–
land 686- 114-reverse the
• Australia: P.O. Box 202, Bur–
Oueensland 4220
(Or dial this number: 075-35·
4233-reverse the charges.)
• Cenada: P.O. Box 44, Station
A, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2M2
• South Africa: P.O. Box 1060,
Johannesburg 2000 (Or dial
this number: 01 1-216406.)
Those residing In other areas
ot the world should see
front cover for the address
offlce nearest them.