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(Continued from page 5)
But, persecuted over the centuries,
rnostly unrecognized by the world,
the true and original Churcb of God
has continued through all genera–
tions to the present. Jn the book of
Revelation two churches a re de–
scribed. One,
the twelfth chapter,
the true and original Church of
God, srnall and persecuted, having
to endure hardship, persecution and
rnartyrdom for survival ; the other,
in the seventeenth chapter, the great
politically popular church , ruling
over kings and nations of this world,
drunk with tbe blood of saints and
martyrs ofJesus.
centuries Christ's true
gospel- His MESSAGE from God of
the coming KJNGDOM OF GoD- had
not been proclaimed to the world.
was only taught to the comparative
few- secretly- who kept the Church
of God alive through the centuries.
Gospel Restored
The original one and only true
Church of God still lives! And, still
persecuted , maligned, misrepre–
is restoring the true gospel
of Jesus Christ today!
11 is sending
out thal good news worldwide- as
witness for all nations, in real
And Christ's doctrine of healing
the sick is also being restored. There
have been multiple thousands of
miraculous healings. But not, in our
time, spectacular public displays of
sensational miracles to attract both
crowds and added persecutions. The
REASONS for this, and the truth
about the whole subject of healing
will be made plain in this series of
There have been "gospel" pro–
grams- scores of them- all over the
world. But, as Paul described, they
have each been
Christ's MESSAGE was suppressed.
Christ has been preached to the
world- but a
Jesus. (Be sure
to read our free booklet
The Real
Jesus. )
But what about healing the sick
TODAY? How is it being restored in
God's Church? This important se–
ries will continue next issue and will
be available later in booklet
(Continued from page 22)
Son governing in that particular
area, "and we"- hopefully you and
glorified as boro sons of God at
that time- "will walk in the name
of the LORD our God"- total unity–
"for ever and ever," and THAT is a
long time!
David will be the son of God gov–
ern ing all Israel. The twelve apostles
will be busy with the duties of jud–
ging and governing, one each, the
twelve tribes of that one nation,
Sorne unnamed successful over–
comers will have lesser duties gov–
erning five cities, or ten cities.
What will you and 1 be doing?
Just a Beginning
Now that we have scratched the sur–
face, gotten tbe overview of the pur–
pose of life and the Kingdom of
God, we're ready for more details of
that busy eterna! life. "Governing"
and "ruling" in the Kingdorn of
God are too general. Sorne people
even say they don' t
to be tell–
ing others what to do forever. They
have too narrow a view of govern–
rnent. Life won't be just a piece of
cake; sitting on a throne giving or–
ders. Active
in every facet of
life is involved.
Next issue we'IJ get to sorne of
those details , and see if you
wouldn't just !ove to be
least one of those jobs forever! o
(To Be Continued)
(Continued from page 15)
What was the result of listening to
Paul with readiness and open
minds, digging out the source mate–
rial and studying it on a daily basis?
"Therefore many of them be–
lieved ..."(verse 12).
You have a choice before you.
You can clase your mind to what
you have read, cling to your own
cherished concepts and shut your
mind to everything except your own
preconceived ideas. Or you can be
objective and open-minded about
this new knowledge, and use these
articles as a springboard to more
and more truth.
The choice is yours. No one else
can make up your rnind for you.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ
ofNazareth is a fact ofhistory. Your
Bible preves it. Sound logic and
plain adrnission of concrete evi–
dence prove it! Without it there
would have been no Holy Spirit
frorn heaven; no New Testament of
the Bible. All history would have
been written differently.
Without it you cannot be saved.
Without it there would have been
no Church; there would have never
been a single real Christian.
l t is a
to another great
event in history soon to come. Jesus
Christ is going to stand on this earth
once again. He will rule it with a rod
of iron. Think of it! The heavens
splitting with a rock- breaking,
earth-quaking roar! Streaming,
blinding, brilliant ftashes of light
revealing the descending King
of kings, followed by vast numbers
of His angels, as far as the eye can
Will you be ready to meet