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clogged up easily. Coronary a rte ries
will become wider; blood will ftow
easier and faster. Many doctors be–
lieve proper exercise reduces choles–
terol levels in the blood. And active
people have fewer heart auacks and
better recovery rates than inactive
• The efficiency of your heart
and Jungs will rise sharply. The total
etfect is that a L! your body's systems
will be st rengthened, and you will
feel much beuer overall.
• Enjoyable exercise provides re–
lief from tension and serves as a safe
and natural tranq uilizer. And sleep
will come easier.
Exercise Regularly
Health and exercise specialists will
ditfer in wha t they feel is the mín–
imum amount of exercise necessary
for the best results. Obviously, a
regular exercise program in any rea–
sonable a mount is better than none
at all.
personally feel that around
45 minutes a day is the most benefi–
cial-especially if your daily routine
doesn't include much physical activ–
ity. However,
realize the circum–
s tances of many do not permit
spending this much time in exercise.
But don't let this discourage you. A
vigorous program three, four or five
times a week for lesser periods of
time can also bring many beneficial
Exercise does not need to be bor–
ing. Variety is the key once you've
gotten into basic shape. Perhaps you
might encourage your mate and
children to join you. Choosing a
definite time for exercise and stick–
ing with it can also be helpful.
There are many forms of exercise
to choose from: walking, bicycling,
sw imming, jogging, calisthenics,
tennis, skating (roller and ice), bas–
ke tball, handball, racquetball, to
name a few. Each type of exercise
provides benefits others may not.
The publications referred to in the
suggested reading list in the box
(above right) otfer many time-tested
suggestions on how to develop the
right program for yoursel f. depend–
ing on your age, health and present
fitness, plus ways to avoid harmful
Sorne with special health prob–
lems may need trained help to de–
velop a fitness program. Exercise,
BeforeYou Exercise,
Some Precautions
Almost a ll persons, wha tever their
age, can benefi t from sorne form of
exercise. But authorities urge these
precautions to lessen risks of over–
exertion or complications that can
result from existing or u nknown
health problems:
• Discuss your plans with a doc–
tor, get a checkup and follow lús
advice in carrying out your exer–
cise program.
• Take a stress test, offered by
many doctors and q ualified physi–
ologists, to de termine how much
exercise is safe for you.
• Start the exercise program
gradually, increasing
vigor and
d ura tion of the activity
your fitness improves.
• Begin exercising with a warm–
up period and end with a gradua l
cooling-o tf period. giving the heart
a chance to adjust to the change in
• Exercise da ily or a t least sev–
e ra! times a week. Exercising infre–
quently does Little to ma intain
fitness and, in fact. can cause more
ha rm than good by stra ining no t
only poorly conditioned muscles
but other vita l body organs as well.
Suggested Readlng
The New Aerobics,
Kenneth H.
Cooper, M.O., M.P.H. (includes
age- and fitness-adjusted exercise
cha rts a nd programs) , Ba ntam
From the Supe rintendent of
Documents, Government Printing
Office, Washington, D .C. 20402,
however, doesn' t norma lly require
specia l instructors or expensive
h ealth clubs with complicated
eq uipment, plush carpets, mirrors,
e tc. It can be done in your own
home or backyard.
The Creator designed the human
body to function best with a moder–
a te amount of vigorous physical ac–
tivity. Increased vigor , health and
happiness can be yours if you fai th–
fully carry out a balanced program
of exercise.
you can order :
The Fitness Chal–
lenge in the Later Years
(an exer–
cise program for olde r Americans),
75c. Order #S/N 017-062-00009-
Adult Physical Fitness
sive, five-level programs for men
and women), 70c. Order # S/N
An 1ntroduction
to Physica/ Fitness
(includes sclf–
testing activit ies, graded exercises,
and a jogging and weight-control
program), 60c. Order # S/N 017-
Federally Sponsored Workshops
for CommuniUes
Under a grant from the Adminis–
tra tion on Aging and in coope ra–
tion with the Prcsident's Council
on Physical Fitness a nd Sports, the
Nationa l Association for Huma n
Development o tfers a national
program of health informa tion and
fitness activit ies called " Active
People Over 60." Tra ined person–
ne l conduct workshops in their re–
spective states and regions to
increase community knowledge of
the causes of many of the diseases
associated with aging and wha t
ca n be done to cornbat them, in–
cluding exercise. diet and nutri–
ti o n . Furthe r inform a tio n o n
establishing such a workshop in
your a rea, as well as a list of re–
la ted booldets and films, can be
obta ined by writing: Nationa l As–
socia tio n fo r Human Deve l–
o pme nt , 1750 P e nn sylva n ia
Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.
Even the best exercise program can be
rapidly undermined by disregarding
other principies of healthful living. For
more on this subject, write for our free
booklets detailing wise conduct in
terms of food. alcohol. smoking, emo–
tional health, etc. Booklet tilles include:
Principies of Healthful Living, The
Seven Laws of
Alcoholism- A
Worldwide Curse,
The Oilemma of
See inside front cover for the
address of our office nearest you.