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o you always feel tired? Get
winded climbing a sh ort flight
of stairs? Have tro uble sleeping
nights? Is your waistl ine a
If you answer yes' to a ny of these
questions, a basic program of simple,
inexpensive exercise would a lmost
certa inly be of benefit to you.
You say you can' t a tford the time to
exercise?The truth is, unless you have
a specia l health problem, you can' t
to exercise! Scienti fic re–
search and experience prove tha t the
human body needs exercise to main–
ta in good health . No one can tota lly
neglect it without paying a penalty.
Millions sutfer unnecessary ills and
die prema turely because they a re liv–
ing inactive or sedentary lives for
which their bodieswere notdesigned .
Medica! and health specia lists
around the world emphasize the im–
portance of physical fitness, particu–
larly in our modero world whe re
riding and sitting a re a way of life.
Dr. Paul Dudley White, noted Boston
heart specia list who has he lped presi–
dents and othe r leading Americans
achieve bette r health and productiv–
ity through exercise, has sta ted :
" Phys ical fitness is vital for the opti–
ma l function of the bra in, for retar–
dation of the onset of serious
a rte riosclerosis, which is beginning to
appear in early adult lives, and for
Iongevity, and a useful and healthy
life for our older citizens."
Dr. Theodore G. Klumpp of New
York ma inta ins that " rema ining ac–
tive is the key to staying alive. Exer–
cise opposes the etfects of st roke or
heart a ttack. Blood clots form when
blood fiow is sluggish rather than
when it is vigorous. Yet many people
won't exercise for fear it will provoke
a heart attack."
Dr. Ian Adams, a leading British
medical expert, adds tha t "middle–
aged adults need regular exercise for
the maintenance ofgood posture and
joint mobility, for the preservation of
strength and stimulation of the cir-
culatory system.
is a basic biological
P rincipie that stimula tion maintains
and disuse accele rates the deteriora-
tion of mind and body."
And fi na lly, one noted heart spe-
cialist warns: "The average executive
drives his car to work, si ts at his desk
a ll day, then wa tches TV at night. The
heart is a muscle and when you don' t
exercise it, it's just like putting your
a rm in a cast. It deteriorates. Through
exercise you can build it up."
As a phys ical fitness tra iner, 1 al–
ways emphasize the simple adage
"What you don ' t use, you willlose!"
Mind and Body Inseparable
1 have worked with a ll age groups,
with overweight as well as handi–
capped people.
have witnessed
grea t t ra nsforma tions, not only
phys ical, but mental and emotiona l,
as a result of a sound program of
physical fitness tailored to individ–
ua l needs.