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We invite you, our readers, to
send in your questions on bib–
lically oriented prophetic,
doctrinal , historical and
Christian-living topics. While
we cannot promise that al/
questions wi/1 be answered in
print, we wi/1 try to cover al/
those that are of general inter–
est as space permits. Send
your questions to the appro–
priate address listed on the in–
side front cover, care of
" 1
read in Matthew
18 :10,
'Take heed that ye despise not
one of these little ones; for 1say unto
you, That in heaven their angels do
always behold the tace of my Father
which is in heaven.• ls this verse
saying that God 's people have
guardian angels watching over them,
protecting them?"
Mrs. Robert K.•
Matheson , Colorado
The Bible does not specifi–
cally indicate that each and
every Christian has a guardian an–
gel watching over him. In these ver–
ses Jesus was specifically referring
to little children (see verses 1-4).
Because of the vulnerability of small
children, their lack of wisdom and
ability to care for themselves. Gpd
may provide special protection . But
even children experience "time and
chance" (Eccl. 9:11 ).
God does inform us that angels
are "ministering spirits" sent forth
to serve those who are to be the
heirs of salvation (Heb. 1:14; see
also Ps. 34:7). But nowhere does
God reveal that each human indi–
vidual has a "guardian angel."
"Your booklet 'The Real
Jesus' was very convincing ex–
cept for one point. How do we know
He did not sin in any way?"
London, England
To sin is to merit the death
penalty (Romans 6:23-"the
wages of sin is death"). lf Jesus
had sinned, He would have had to
die for His own sin, and therefore
could not have died for anyone
else's. He could not have been our
Yet the Bible clearly tells us that
not only is He the Savior, but that
He definitely did not sin. Hebrews
4:15 states that He was "in every
respect .. . tempted as we are, yet
without sin." He successfully strove
against sin by calling out to God the
Father for he lp whenever He
needed it (see Hebrews 5:7).
Though Jesus was sinless Him–
was God's express will that
He be delivered up to die as our
Savior: " For our sake he made him
to be sin who knew no sin, so that
in him we might become the righ–
teousness of God"
Cor. 5:21 ).
lsaiah the prophet foretold His
sacrifice: "Surely he has borne our
griefs and carried our sorrows; yet
we esteemed him stricken, smi tten
by God. and afflicted. But he was
wounded for our transgressions. he
was bruised for our iniquities; upon
him was the chastisement that
made us whole. and with his stripes
we are healed. All we like sheep
have gone astray ... and the Lord
has laid on him the iniquity of us
all" (lsa. 53:4-6).
Peter 2:21-24 also confirms that
Christ was guiltless: "Christ also
suffered for you. leaving you an ex–
ample. that you should follow in his
steps. He committed no sin; no
guile was found on his lips.... He
himself bore our sins in his body on
the tree, that we might die to sin
and live to righteousness."
"What does the Bible say
about having pierced ears for
earrings? 1 feel 1 should know what
God thinks of this kind of thing be–
fore 1do anything with m
ears.' •
Boise , ldaho
In Old Testament Israel , hav–
ing one's ear " bored through
with an awl" was a ceremony car–
ried out to indicate that a slave
wished to remain with a particular
master for lile (see Exodus 21 :5-6
and Deuteronomy 15:12-17). Since
this custom was handed down by
God, it is obvious there is no prohi–
bition against the act of ear-pierc–
ing .
is recorded that ancient
lsraelites wore earrings (Gen. 35:4;
Ex. 32:2; 35:22; Num. 31 :50; etc.).
and they apparently were not the
clip-on variety. Figuratively speak–
ing, God says He put earrings in
lsrael 's ears (see Ezek. 16:12).
11 you are considering ear-pierc–
ing, it would of course be wise to
have it done by competen! profes–
sionals and to follow their instruc–
tions for care unti l your ears are
healed. Also, sorne individuals tend
to have problems with formation of
scar tissue on the earlobes. But
these considerations are medica! ,
not spiritual, and ear-piercing is no–
where condemned in the Bible.
"What is the meaning of 1Tim–
othy 2:6? What was the 'due
time' mentioned there?"
Pasadena, California
Timothy 2:5-6 (RSV) reads:
" For there is one God, and
there is one mediator between God
and men, the man Christ Jesus,
who gave himself as a ransom for
all, the testimony to which was